Researcher: The fate of Greenl...
Researcher: The fate of Greenland’s ice sheet lies in human hands
read moreResearcher: The fate of Greenland’s ice sheet lies in human hands
read more[Translate] Audio Most of the ice sheet will likely remain frozen if the world aggressively cuts carbon pollution. 01 : 30 MIN SEC...
read moreThe world must invest $1.8 trillion by 2030 to prepare for the effects of global warming. A new report said the payoff could be four times that.
read more[Translate] The tongue of Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier, which is melting at an accelerated pace. NASA ICE / James Yungel / CC...
read more[Translate] By Nika Knight / Common Dreams An iceberg the size of Delaware is poised to break away from Antarctica, potentially...
read more[Translate] GREEN It’s caused by a red algae, and it’s bad news for the Arctic. Lydia O’Connor The Huffington Post...
read more[Translate] One thing is abundantly clear: Obama’s decision to open the Arctic to offshore drilling is simply...
read more[Translate] By Dahr Jamail, Each month as I write these dispatches, I shake my head in disbelief at the rapidity at which...
read more[Translate] A colossal iceberg the size of Rome grounded near their colony, rendering them landlocked. The Guardian Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] Environment Scientists warn that we are entering uncharted territory when it comes to the loss of Arctic sea ice. By Dahr...
read more[Translate] As temperatures rise, northern lakes are undergoing major changes that include swiftly warming waters, diminished ice...
read more[Translate] TAKE PART Melting glaciers are affecting the planet’s rotation—and time itself. A view of melting icebergs calved from...
read more[Translate] By Jonathan Chait NEW YORK MAGAZINE The Sunniest Climate-Change Story You’ve Ever Read This is the year humans finally...
read more[Translate] Global Justice Now By Ben Adler GRIST When James Hansen speaks, climate hawks listen. Hansen was legendary during his...
read more[Translate] The Guardian Eight member states including US, Russia, Canada, Norway and Denmark sign accord to protect central Arctic...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG A bank of thawing permafrost near the Kolyma River in...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, Climate News Network via TRUTHDIG The big picture of accelerating ice loss in Antarctica is becoming...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, Climate News Network VIA TRUTHDIG The diminishing glaciers on the top of Kilimanjaro, Africa’s...
read more[Translate] by Cathleen Kelly – Guest Contributor CLIMATE PROGRESS U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, pictured here in a...
read more[Translate] Travis By Suzanne JacobsIt’s official: Climate change is making the world’s water its bitch. We’ve got droughts, floods,...
read more[Translate] By Tim Radford, Climate News Network The U.S. climate research facility on the North Slope of Alaska. (Jonathan...
read more[Translate] < (Image: Polar bear, air pollution via Shutterstock; Edited: JR/TO) Two recently released studies brought bad news...
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