The Normalization of Perpetual...
[Translate] by Kenn In case you missed it… A hole the size of the Netherlands has opened in the middle of the Antarctic...
read more[Translate] by Kenn In case you missed it… A hole the size of the Netherlands has opened in the middle of the Antarctic...
read more[Translate] As Martin Luther King Jr. noted 50 years ago, you can’t fight militarism unless you also fight racism and materialism. By...
read more[Translate] By William J. Astore / TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG Beth Scupham / CC-BY-2.0 I came of age during America’s Cold War...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG Jodie Evans,...
read more[Translate] By David Swanson, Let’s Try Democracy | Film Review If you’ve just seen Michael...
read more[Translate] By Chalmers Johnson, TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG The U.S. Army / CC BY 2.0 This piece first appeared at TomDispatch....
read more[Translate] News & Politics They’re are striking contracts with the Department of Defense to supply missiles, helicopters...
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