How the Pentagon Took Ownershi...
When it comes to raising money based on false claims, this president has nothing on the Pentagon. And worse yet, like America’s wars, the Pentagon’s long con shows no sign of ending.
read moreWhen it comes to raising money based on false claims, this president has nothing on the Pentagon. And worse yet, like America’s wars, the Pentagon’s long con shows no sign of ending.
read more[Translate] LATEST STORIES In response to a request from lawmakers, the Special Inspector General calculated a huge figure, but says...
read more[Translate] (Getty/Salon) The nation shopped while our democracy crumbled, and this escapist consumerism is what birthed Trump Bob...
read more[Translate] Opinion By Paul Krugman nytimes Opinion Columnist Image President Trump speaking to the press Thursday in Brussels...
read more[Translate] Common Dreams The Pentagon has been in violation of that Congressional directive since 1992 but keeps promising that an...
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read more[Translate] By Jen Hayden DAILYKOS.COM These men and women need care when they come home and that should be factored in the true...
read more[Translate] News & Politics More money and more weapons don’t equal more success for the Pentagon. By Nick Turse /...
read more[Translate] Activism It’s time to universalize resistance. By Medea Benjamin / AlterNet Photo Credit: Diego G Diaz /...
read more[Translate] By William D. Hartung / TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG Vice President Pence applauds as President Trump swears in James...
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read more[Translate] (Photo: Heath Cajandig)ROBERT C. KOEHLER FOR BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT “The F-35 Lightning II Program (also...
read more[Translate] A child holds bullets picked from the ground, in Rounyn, a village in North Darfur Image: REUTERS/Albert Gonzalez Farran...
read more[Translate] Common Dreams Brig. Gen. Charles Cleveland said mission would be ‘temporary,’ but would not say how long it...
read more[Translate] AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE Burning Issues Video An audit of the Defense Department’s finances must be the next...
read more[Translate] By Rebecca Green, OtherWords | Op-Ed The 2016 presidential elections are proving historic, and not just because of the...
read more[Translate] War & Peace How the United States became a prisoner of war and Congress went MIA. By Andrew Bacevich |
read more[Translate] Election 2016 The budget Congress just passed for next year offers a nightmarish blueprint. By Steven Rosenfeld /...
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