Indigenous Peoples Day comes a...
Indigenous Peoples Day comes amid a reckoning over colonialism and calls for return of Native land
read moreIndigenous Peoples Day comes amid a reckoning over colonialism and calls for return of Native land
read moreNative American Tribes’ Pandemic Response Is Hindered by Inequities
read moreSaving Chaco: As coronavirus consumes New Mexico, drilling threatens sacred land
read moreFailure to provide relief money shows America just never gets tired of sticking it to Indians
read moreSINCE 1990, the federal government has recognized November, albeit too quietly, as National Native American Heritage Month. Like most commemorative months dedicated to honoring the culture and history of an oppressed people in the U.S., Native American Heritage Month has always been a grossly insufficient gesture.
read moreFor several months in 2019, it seemed wildfires wouldn’t rage across the West as they had in recent years. But then came the dry autumn and California’s Santa Ana and Diablo winds, which can drive the spread of wildfires
read more“Today, the land that has sustained us for generations is vanishing before our eyes.”
read moreDeb Haaland, one of the first Native American women elected to Congress, has become a powerful voice for US public lands
read moreIt is 10 years since Alyssa McLemore, 21, disappeared. Hers is just one of literally countless such cases across the US
read moreImagine if the government were responsible for looking after your best interests. All of your assets must be managed by bureaucrats on your behalf.
read moreIn early September, the DOI quietly rescinded two memos that provided guidance on protecting vulnerable communities and Native American sacred sites.
read more[Translate] by Nancy LeTourneau WASHINGTONMONTHLY.COM Political Animal Gage Skidmore/Flickr Much has been made of Donald Trump’s...
read more[Translate] Mary Anne Andrei good reads By Nathanael Johnson GRIST.ORG Rick Hammond might look like a man of contradictions...
read more[Translate] Environment A scientist looking for a way to help Alaska Natives whose villages are sinking was reassigned by the Trump...
read more[Translate] A 5.8-magnitude earthquake that rattled Pawnee, Oklahoma in September 2016 was classified as largest in state history....
read more[Translate] By Irwin Ozborne Contributing writer for Wake Up World “The love of possessions is a disease with them...
read more[Translate] The sound of the drums, at least for a moment, added a dimension beyond science, beyond law and policy: a...
read moreFrom uranium mining in the Four Corners to the Hanford nuclear site, the U.S. government has consistently treated First Peoples’ land with disregard.
read more[Translate] Mark Trahant OURFUTURE.ORG President Donald J. Trump is set to deliver a financial blow to Indian Country. His first...
read more[Translate] The Dakota Access Pipeline Doesn’t Make Economic Sense By Mark Paul, Dollar & Sense | News Analysis Piping for...
read more[Translate] By Ethan Indigo Smith Contributing Writer for Wake Up World “When the Earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new...
read more[Translate] When President Obama held the eighth White House Tribal Nations Conference last fall, all 567 federally recognized tribes...
read more[Translate] THINK PROGRESS “All Americans” apparently doesn’t include the tribes trying to protect their water. CREDIT: AP Photo/John...
read more[Translate] Historical Treasures, Oddities, And Delights By Rebecca Onion and Claudio Saunt Invasion of America The Vault...
read more[Translate] Natasha Geiling THINK PROGRESS.ORG Indigenous communities have said they intend to keep fighting the pipeline. A banner...
read more[Translate] The temporary halt to the pipeline’s construction must be made permanent. By Tom Goldtooth and Annie Leonard THE...
read more[Translate] I write this in the heat of the struggle to block Dakota Access’ nefarious pipeline. I just returned from Standing Rock...
read more[Translate] Indigenous Native American Natural Gas & Oil Drilling Environment Guests Winona LaDukeNative American activist...
read more[Translate] A company town where the business is nuclear weapons. By Taryn Fivek / AlterNet Photo Credit: Steve Shoup / Shutterstock...
read more[Translate] A program to improve American Indian high schools in Montana shows promise, but is it enough? By Lillian Mongeau...
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