What I Told CNN: A Climate Den...
What I Told CNN: A Climate Denier Shouldn’t Be Leading at NOAA
read moreWhat I Told CNN: A Climate Denier Shouldn’t Be Leading at NOAA
read morePollution, Hurricanes, and the Pandemic Spell Trouble for Gulf Shrimp and Seafood Industries
read moreNorthern Right Whales Are on the Brink, and Trump Could Be Their Last Hope
read moreStepping Up To Preserve The “Secret” Coral Reefs In The Florida Keys
read moreIn The Wake Of COVID-19, Congress Must Support Pre-Disaster Mitigation Programs
read moreResearchers hope the findings will improve conservation efforts, as some killer whale populations have dwindled and become endangered.
read moreIncluding a Massachusetts-sized dead zone projected to appear in the Gulf of Mexico.
read moreWhat is coral bleaching? Coral bleaching happens when corals lose their vibrant colors and turn white. But there’s a lot more to it than that.
read moreWe became scientists to make discoveries and explore the unknown, not to wonder why science is rife with sexual harassment and discrimination.
read moreJust the news you’ve been waiting for: The amount of carbon dioxide in our planet’s atmosphere has reached a new high.
read moreAn “unprecedented” flood season lies ahead this spring, according to NOAA.
read more[Translate] The Fall of 2015 has seen a number of extraordinary gag orders put into place on the NWS and NOAA by their overseeing...
read more[Translate] Environment by Cat DiStasio View Slideshow Scientists have observed record high temperatures around the world all summer...
read more[Translate] Trump’s policies make future storms riskier. Samantha Page THINKPROGRESS.ORG Boats are partially submerged in the...
read more[Translate] Animals Lorraine Chow ECOWATCH.COM Anchovies are eating plastic because it smells like prey, study finds. Photo credit:...
read more[Translate] Zoe Loftus-Farren, Earth Island Journal | Op-Ed Fawn Sharp grew up in Taholah village, a small community on the...
read more[Translate] Oregon State University sea change By Emma Foehringer Merchant GRIST.ORG The semi-annual meeting of the Sea Grant...
read more[Translate] Deep budget cuts to NOAA threaten not only critical climate research, but also public safety. By Andrea Thompson, Brian...
read more[Translate] Defunding NOAA’s satellites will also hurt weather forecasts, jeopardizing public safety, experts warn. Credit: Tom...
read more[Translate] The Mail on Sunday can reveal a landmark paper exaggerated global warming It was rushed through and timed to influence...
read more[Translate] By Andrea Germanos / Common Dreams VIA TRUTHDIG NOAA’s National Ocean Service / CC-BY-2.0 If President-elect...
read more[Translate] Researchers say controversial aquaculture operations like one planned for the Southern California coast could be...
read more[Translate] BY KATIE VALENTINE – CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: shutterstock Scientists know that climate change is slowly robbing...
read more[Translate] Analysis finds the world will have to dramatically accelerate emissions reductions to meet Paris climate agreement VIDEO...
read more[Translate] by Emily Atkin CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/John Raoux The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft lifts off...
read more[Translate] Climate by Alejandro Davila Fragoso CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: (AP Photo/Alastair Grant) D Coral reefs have had a tough...
read more[Translate] by Katie ValentineCLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: NOAA via AP This satellite image taken Friday, Oct. 2, 2015 at 12:45 p.m. EDT,...
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