[Translate] Medea Benjamin THEGUARDIAN.COM Selling weapons to Saudi Arabia has consequences. The intense anti-US sentiment in...
read more[Translate] Medea Benjamin THEGUARDIAN.COM Selling weapons to Saudi Arabia has consequences. The intense anti-US sentiment in...
read more[Translate] US president-elect likely to endorse Russia’s policy of bombing rebels to the negotiating table Syrian...
read more[Translate] The US just bombed Yemen, and no one’s talking about it Moustafa Bayoumi THE GUARDIAN.COM We need answers from...
read more[Translate] THE GUARDIAN Oil-rich countries are choosing renewables as a means to create jobs, boost GDP and improve livelihoods...
read more[Translate] Tehran has long been signaling that it wants normalised relations with Washington, but still doesn’t know if it can trust...
read more[Translate] Republicans THE GUARDIAN The GOP candidates use innuendo and coded language to push the need for ground troops into...
read more[Translate] UN agency says at least 77 children have been killed in conflict since 26 March, and also warns of looming malnutrition...
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