The scientists fighting to sav...
[Translate] Climate Solutions The population of kelp forests, which help clean the air, has fallen dramatically. That has...
read more[Translate] Climate Solutions The population of kelp forests, which help clean the air, has fallen dramatically. That has...
read more[Translate] 6 of 62,004 Inbox Brain Pickings by Maria Popova <> Unsubscribe 6:01 AM (6 hours ago)...
read moreJapan Wants To Release One Million Tons Of Contaminated Water From The Fukushima Disaster Into The Pacific
read moreDroughts That Start Over the Ocean? They’re Often Worse Than Those That Form Over Land
read moreNew Study Shows a Vicious Circle of Climate Change Building on Thickening Layers of Warm Ocean Water
read moreOcean Plastic Pollution Will Triple by 2040 Without Drastic Action
read moreWhy This Year Is Our Last, Best Chance for Saving the Oceans
read moreRetreat from rising seas may require more than moving homes
read moreHow fast will you need to flee from the heat? There’s a word for that.
read moreOceans Likely to Heat up at Seven Times Their Current Rate, New Study Finds
read moreThe ocean has issues: 7 biggest problems facing our seas, and how to fix them
read moreThis Month in Climate Science: Carbon Sinks Shrink, Bumble Bees Decline, Nightingale Wings Shorten, and Ecosystems Could Collapse Faster
read moreHalf the World’s Sandy Beaches May Disappear by Century’s End, Climate Study Says
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read moreThe Enormous but Hidden Consequences of Antarctica’s Record Heat
read moreGERM OF AN IDEA
Collecting bacteria from whales is about as complicated as you would think.
The acidification of the Earth’s oceans, which climate scientists warn is a dangerous effect of continued carbon emissions, was behind a mass extinction event 66 million years ago, according to a new study.
read moreOne by one, the golden beaches in northeastern Brazil have begun to turn black. Thick clumps of oil have been washing ashore since late August, killing marine animals, threatening the livelihoods of coastal communities and tainting 2,500 kilometers of coastline spanning nine Brazilian states.
read moreThe Blue-Green Algae Task Force recommends strategies for reducing nutrient flow into Florida waters
read moreWhales absorb more carbon than rain forests and help produce half of the planet’s oxygen supply.
read moreThe consumer goods giant plans to reduce 110,000 tons of plastic from their products by 2025 and invest in waste collection and a more circular economy.
read moreThe sailing cargo ship Kwai docked in Honolulu last month after a 25-day voyage with 40 tonnes of fishing nets and consumer plastics aboard, gathered from what has become known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
read moreNew research finds that a two-pronged approach is necessary to fight things like sea-level rise and ocean acidification.
read moreIn the fall of 2013, scientists in Washington noticed a strange physical phenomenon surfacing in the Pacific Ocean — a vast patch of unusually warm water moving through the Pacific.
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