Trump Administration Ignores O...
Trump Administration Ignores Oil Worker Safety In Pursuit Of Offshore Oil Profits
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read moreFor more than six months, twin brothers Ronald and Donald Schweitzer have watched large amounts of salty wastewater bubble up from the ground in their wheat field. The “saltwater purge” has killed three trees and several acres of crops on their northwest Oklahoma farm.
read moreRep. Chip Roy blocked disaster funding, citing deficit concerns and a lack of funds for border security. Meanwhile, states across the midwest braced for more strong weather.
read more[Translate] A 5.8-magnitude earthquake that rattled Pawnee, Oklahoma in September 2016 was classified as largest in state history....
read more[Translate] save the children Shutterstock A Center for Public Integrity investigation found that the industry is using its clout to...
read more[Translate] Posted by Aaron Kesel WE ARE CHANGE.ORG It has taken years to finally admit it, but the U.S. Geological Survey has just...
read more[Translate] LORRAINE CHOW OF ECOWATCH ON BUZZFLASH AT TRUTHOUT (Photo: Joshua Doubek)Article reprinted with permission from EcoWatch...
read more[Translate] This is what climate change looks like. CREDIT: Pexels By Jeremy Deaton CLIMATE PROGRESS Two years ago this month, in a...
read more[Translate] J.B. Handley, Jr. HEALTHCAREINAMERICA.US co-founder, Generation Rescue 3 days ago (Author’s note: this article was...
read more[Translate] BY J.B. HANDLEY January 17, 2017 Dr. Eve Switzer, an Oklahoma Pediatrician, and President of the Oklahoma AAP is...
read more[Translate] Tea Party and the Right It can happen to your town too. By Alex Henderson / AlterNet Mary Fallin, Governor...
read more[Translate] by Katie Valentine CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki,File This Sunday, Nov. 6, 2011 file photo of a chimney...
read more[Translate] Shutterstock By Katie Herzog GRIST Hold on to your butts, Oklahoma: The big one’s a coming. The state experienced two...
read more[Translate] by Samantha Page CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki Chad Devereaux works to clear up bricks that fell from...
read more[Translate] For many, fracking is additional evidence humans are radically altering the geology of the planet. By Andrew Nikiforuk /...
read more[Translate] by Katie Valentine CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki Jess Burrow, left, and James Patterson, look over the...
read more[Translate] by Ari Phillips CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock Two relatively large earthquakes struck northwest of Oklahoma...
read more[Translate] by Ryan Koronowski CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock When the Obama administration unveiled its plan to make...
read more[Translate] Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, who signed a ban on fracking bans into law on Friday. CREDIT: AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki...
read more[Translate] Record-breaking rain across Texas and Oklahoma suggest a climate change signal. Climate Central VIA ALTERNET 2015...
read more[Translate] environmental policy By Andrew C. Revkin New York Times DOT Earlier this week, Oklahoma’s state geologist and state...
read more[Translate] News & Politics These are just the latest measures to bully women who are considering abortions. By Neeraja...
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