Big Tech’s Big Defector
Roger McNamee made a fortune as one of Silicon Valley’s earliest champions. Now he’s one of its most fervent critics.
read moreRoger McNamee made a fortune as one of Silicon Valley’s earliest champions. Now he’s one of its most fervent critics.
read moreThe forces of wealth creation once fostered the right to be left alone. But that has changed.
read more[Translate] When Chicago resident Carlo Licata joined Facebook in 2009, he did what the 390 million other users of the world’s...
read more[Translate] Contact Congress, call the FCC, and stay engaged. By Evan Malmgren THE NATION.COM The National Security Agency campus in...
read more[Translate] Sharon Begley, STATNEWS.COM Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images A little-noticed bill moving through Congress would allow...
read more[Translate] THE DIRT by Jared Green Drones / South Park There are expected to be 20 million unmanned aerial vehicles or drones in...
read more[Translate] By Julia Angwin and Jeff Larson, ProPublica VIA TRUTHDIG Rob Wilson / Shutterstock This piece originally ran on...
read more[Translate] Civil Liberties Not all of it is high-tech. By Julia Angwin / Pro Publica VIA ALTERNET This is the latest in a series...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG Surveillance reform explainer: can the FBI still listen to my phone calls? Lone wolves, roving wiretaps,...
read more[Translate] The 2nd Circuit’s decision on a key provision of the Patriot Act is a huge deal, expert tells Salon Elias Isquith ...
read more[Translate] THE DIRT by Jared Green The senior population is growing. By 2050, a third of the U.S. will be 65 and older. The World...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Digitize Let’s say, nurse theoretically of course, find that you live in a small...
read more[Translate] This week brought us back to the 90s again — and not in a good way. Here’s how the press reverted to hideous...
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