[Translate] By Medea Benjamin TRUTHDOG Saudi women are forced to keep their faces and bodies covered outside the home....
read more[Translate] By Medea Benjamin TRUTHDOG Saudi women are forced to keep their faces and bodies covered outside the home....
read more[Translate] If signed, the order would create wholesale exemptions for people and organizations who claim religious objections to...
read more[Translate] Religious communities spent years helping implement the law. CREDIT: AP/J. Scott Applewhite Faith leaders across the...
read more[Translate] Nicholas Kristof NYTIMES Photo “The Lamentation” by Marco Basaiti shows the mourning for Jesus after his body was removed...
read more[Translate] Mustafa Akyol NYTIMES Photo Credit Josh Berer ISTANBUL — Billions of Christians around the world are excited to celebrate...
read more[Translate] Growing number of synagogues as well as two dozen cities offer protection amid threat of deportation under Trump...
read more[Translate] Opinion By Duo Dickinson COMMON EDGE.ORG The 21st century has not been kind to either architecture or organized...
read more[Translate] What Religion Would Jesus Belong To? Nicholas Kristof Photo The cast from a Palm Sunday Passion play in Wisconsin. Credit...
read more[Translate] Belief “American Christianity … has largely forgotten how to seek out and visit the ad hoc places of prayer...
read more[Translate] by Jeremy Deaton – Guest Contributor & Jack Jenkins CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Climate Nexus Former U.N....
read more[Translate] Education For both parents and educators, it’s a critical time to reach out to our teachers and school leaders. By...
read more[Translate] Tea Party and the Right “It’s important to recognize that they are no longer a normal political party.” By Arturo...
read more[Translate] By Robert Scheer TRUTHDIG Pope Francis addresses a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington on...
read more[Translate] by Emily AtkinCLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock Leaders of the Episcopal Church voted to divest its holdings from...
read more[Translate] Daily Kos by Tolerant Libertarian Nobody can deny the fact that Christianity has played a huge role in our history. From...
read more[Translate] By Mark Fiore TRUTHDIG Isn’t it amazing how Republicans pick and choose when their religion matters to them? The...
read more[Translate] by Leslie Salzillo DAILY KOS attribution: None Specified Filmmaker, director, writer, and Liberal activist, Michael Moore...
read more[Translate] by rebeccahendin DAILY KOS attribution: Rebecca Hendin Click image to enlarge. This week, Ireland voted YES (by vast...
read more[Translate] Katha Pollitt THE NATION (Via Creative Commons) When PEN decided to award the first PEN/Toni and James C. Goodale...
read more[Translate] by Hunter Daily Kos Looks like the Apocalypse to me. Former Rep. Michele Bachmann is very excited that the world may be...
read more[Translate] The idea of “one nation under God” is a modern one — and does not date back to the Founding Fathers...
read more[Translate] Tom Cruise, in a still from “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief” (Credit: HBO) “Going...
read more[Translate] by Jack Jenkins CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino Catholic officials announced on Tuesday plans for...
read more[Translate] Tyson is right that people have the right to believe what they want—but not when it leads to exploitation and abuse Steve...
read more[Translate] “That’s insulting,” replies Maher in heated “Real Time” debate about Muslims, Islam and...
read more[Translate] Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains why Western liberals need to speak up — and why Islam needs a reformation now Ayaan Hirsi...
read more[Translate] Tracing the surprising roots of American religious history with the brilliant scholar Peter Manseau Michael Schulson ...
read more[Translate] YES MAGAZINE We’re closer to environmental disaster than ever before. We need a new story for our relationship with the...
read more[Translate] As GOP leaders woo the far right at CPAC this week, I recall my past as a young Jerry Falwell. Here’s what I saw...
read more[Translate] by Jack Jenkins CLIMATE PROGRESS Breakaway group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), left, next to a burning...
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