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[Translate] First Look As Melbourne – like many cities in Asia-Pacific and around the world – continues to grow, services and...
read more[Translate] First Look As Melbourne – like many cities in Asia-Pacific and around the world – continues to grow, services and...
read more[Translate] The second phase of the Hunter’s Point South Waterfront Park, which opens today, was co-designed by SWA/BALSLEY and...
read more[Translate] Environment Peoples Climate March, New York City, September 21, 2014. Photo Credit: andyparker72/Shutterstock We...
read more[Translate] Tamy Cozier METROPOLIS MAGAZINE The interior design of an office can contribute to its employees’ health through...
read more[Translate] Architecture by Lucy Wang INHABITAT Is your city well prepared for a natural disaster? After Hurricane Sandy devastated...
read more[Translate] Three agencies will implement a first-of-its-kind federal commitment to support resilience of the nation’s natural...
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