As Rooftop Solar Grows, What S...
Almost every state has been weighing changes to how homes with solar are compensated for electricity they send to the grid. The results will impact solar growth.
read moreRenewables Shine, Fossil Fuels...
The sun doesn’t always shine! The wind doesn’t always blow! There’s never enough renewable energy when you need it most! Only fossil fuels can make the grid reliable! We hear this sort of blather from fossil fuel apologists all the time.
[Translate] By s.e. smith, Care2 | Report With rooftop solar arrays becoming more common, the Department of Energy decided to do...
read moreFrance Says New Roofs Must Be ...
[Translate] by Ari PhillipsCLIMATEL PROGRESS CREDIT: shutterstock The sky’s the limit under France’s new green rooftop law. According...
read moreNew York’s new solar plan sets...
[Translate] Nick Normal By Tim McDonnell GRIST This story is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. New York...
read moreKochs and Walmart Clan Wage Di...
[Translate] Solar panels are popping up everywhere, and it’s upsetting to corporate power system. By Cliff Weathers / AlterNet...
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