Big Oil must pay for climate c...
[Translate] It is possible for scientific evidence to help apportion responsibility for climate damages among fossil fuel producers....
read more[Translate] It is possible for scientific evidence to help apportion responsibility for climate damages among fossil fuel producers....
read more[Translate] by Paul Street COUNTERPUNCH We live in strange Orwellian, Islamophobic, and eco-cidal times. A comrade from the...
read more[Translate] In the Race to Control the Arctic, the U.S. Lags Behind By Bob Reiss NEWSWEEK In offshore Alaska, Royal Dutch Shell is...
read more[Translate] by Emily AtkinCLIMATE PROGRESS In this Aug. 24, 2009 picture provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Coast Guard...
read more[Translate] By Subhankar Banerjee, TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG (NASA Goddard Photo and Video (CC BY 2.0)) This piece first appeared at...
read more[Translate] by Emily Atkin CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock The Obama administration has proposed the first-ever safety...
read more[Translate] by Ari Phillips CLIMATE PROGRESS Alberta tar sands, 2010. CREDIT: flickr/ NWFblogs Keystone XL is not the only deciding...
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