[Translate] The legislation comes ahead of the People’s Climate March on April 29th. By Dani Heffernan / 350.org VIA ALTERNET...
read more[Translate] The legislation comes ahead of the People’s Climate March on April 29th. By Dani Heffernan / 350.org VIA ALTERNET...
read more[Translate] The leaked audio from her speech to campaign donors proves Clinton never understood Sanders and his movement Conor Lynch ...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 Change sometimes comes from not asking permission. By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet U.S. Senator Bernie...
read more[Translate] REUTERS/Jim Young Walking the plank By Ben Adler GRIST The Democratic Party’s platform drafting committee has written a...
read more[Translate] Chris Hedges TRUTHDIG Protester Bob Bowes, of Somerville, Mass., displays an American flag featuring...
read more[Translate] Why there’s no chance in hell I’m voting for Hillary — and you shouldn’t either H. A. Goodman ...
read more[Translate] Common Dreams Talking trade policy in Ohio, Sanders also picks up key endorsement from Congresswomen Marcy...
read more[Translate] Tea Party and the Right There’s a difference between right-wing populists and conservatives. By Robert Kuttner /...
read more[Translate] Nicholas Kristof NYTIMES A Donald Trump press conference on the evening of Super Tuesday. Credit Damon...
read more[Translate] An economist takes aim at both candidates’ plans. By Lynn Stuart Parramore / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] Some of Sanders’ suggestions: Break up banks. Tax speculators. Cap interest rates. By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Michael Moore talks Trump and terrorism, Sanders and socialism, Hillary and war. By Andrew...
read more[Translate] By Laurence Lewis RSS REBLOGGED BY Daily Kos Whenever I hear a self-described progressive say that we ought to let the...
read more[Translate] by Emily Atkin CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall/DENNIS VAN TIN From left to right: Former Maryland...
read more[Translate] What the public wants out of a candidate and what the beltway press wants appear to be two entirely different things. By...
read more[Translate] by Bill Moyers and Michael Winship Congressman John K. Delaney, what the hell are you talking about? In a recent...
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