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read moreElon Musk, founder of private space-faring company SpaceX, recently unveiled his new Starship craft.
read moreLooking up at the heavens from below, it can be easy to think of the universe as a fixed constellation of stars. But, as a new study illustrates this week, the cosmos is ever changing – as is our understanding.
read moreThe Committee on Science, Space, and Technology may finally live up to its name.
read more[Translate] BRAINPICKINGS When the Voyager 1 spacecraft turned its camera back on the Solar System for one last look after taking its...
read more[Translate] Simulations reveal that up to half the material in our galaxy arrived from smaller galactic neighbours, as a result of...
read more[Translate] Off World Jim Urquhart FUTURISM In Brief National Geographic hosted a 360 degree tour of a test habitat where crew...
read more[Translate] FUTURISM Off World by Jolene Creighton SpaceX A New Frontier In previous decades, governments and national entities were...
read more[Translate] Off World by Dom Galeon and Jolene Creighton NASA A Mandate For Humanity Both chambers of Congress just passed the NASA...
read more[Translate] Off World Pictures from NASA’s Spirit Rover suggest that ancient life on Mars may have been involved in the...
read more[Translate] Nasa’s Earth science division is set to be stripped of funding as the president-elect seeks to shift focus away from home...
read more[Translate] Joe Romm CLIMATE PROGRESS Dr. Joe Romm is Founding Editor of Climate Progress The planet just had its hottest 12 months...
read more[Translate] concept by John C. Mankins. (Illustration: Courtesy...
read more[Translate] The Switch By Christian Davenport THE WASHINGTON POST This May 29, 2014 file photo shows Elon Musk as he unveils...
read more[Translate] Off World Credit: Odisha Sun Times VIA FUTURISM In Brief Scientists discover repeating fast radio bursts coming from the...
read more[Translate] In Brief Buzz Aldrin and Florida Institute of Technology are developing “a master plan” to colonize Mars within 25...
read more[Translate] Off World The highlights from an AMA with the man leading efforts to find alien life. The man who is leading the search...
read more[Translate] Kepler-453b is the 10th planet found that orbits two stars. Chris D’Angelo HuffPost Hawaii To the...
read more[Translate] Nasa Using four years’ worth of data from the Kepler space telescope, researchers announced the new exoplanet along...
read more[Translate] Pluto THE GUARDIAN Nasa spacecraft makes history as the first spacecraft to reach distant dwarf planet, the last...
read more[Translate] jul 07, 2015 stuff in space helps visualize everything orbiting earth in real time 0 stuff in space helps visualize...
read more[Translate] By Liz Core GRIST It’s been all-eyes on climate change lately, what with the recent attention grabbers like the pope’s...
read more[Translate] “You have to innovate” VIDEO Joanna Rothkopf SALON.COM Neil deGrasse Tyson reveals how the world’s...
read more[Translate] Mercury Messenger’s 11-year voyage of discovery to end on 30 April Mission has forced rethink about origin of planet...
read more[Translate] The Huffington Post | By Macrina Cooper-White The discovery of strange, mineral veins on Mars has planetary scientists...
read more[Translate] By Suzanne Jacobs GRIST Complicated science, ambulance ask political buffoonery, nurse social injustice, terrible jokes...
read more[Translate] The Huffington Post | By Ed Mazza Forget doomsday asteroids, global plagues and super volcanoes. British theoretical...
read more[Translate] Shutterstock Sheer lunacy By Amelia Urry GRIST Dispatch from our dystopian future: We did it, everyone. All the...
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