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[Translate] David Segal, <> 2:22 PM (16 minutes ago) Casey, Today we mark the...
read more[Translate] David Segal, <> 2:22 PM (16 minutes ago) Casey, Today we mark the...
read more“To decide whether life is worth living is to answer the fundamental question of philosophy,” Albert Camus
read moreAround 2012, something started going wrong in the lives of teens.
read moreIf you were to look at those brains, you couldn’t tell the difference…
read more[Translate] By Paul Buchheit Guest Writer for Wake Up World Donald Trump said, “I’m going to make our military so big, so...
read more[Translate] Personal Health It could be argued the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) profits from suicide. By Martha...
read more[Translate] Rookuzz / CC-BY-2.0 Certain groups among the autistic tend to die 30 years earlier than their peers in the general...
read more[Translate] Ruth Hopkins INDIAN COUNTRY MEDIA NETWORK Genocide has found a new disguise: that of adolescent suicide. According to...
read more[Translate] News & Politics The exhortation of the unknown man’s sign is focused and direct, and frighteningly accurate. By...
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