From School Lunch to SNAP, New...
From School Lunch to SNAP, New Attacks on Kids’ Health and Nutrition
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read more[Translate] Trump’s policies make future storms riskier. Samantha Page THINKPROGRESS.ORG Boats are partially submerged in the...
read more[Translate] Mark Hand Climate reporter @ThinkProgress. Coastal communities are settling for short-term fixes instead of developing...
read more[Translate] Mark Hand Climate reporter @ThinkProgress. Budget plan calls for elimination of ARPA-E, major cuts to renewables...
read more[Translate] Dave Johnson OURFUTURE.ORG As a presidential candidate, Donald Trump promised to spend $1 trillion to modernize...
read more[Translate] By Sam Sacks, The District Sentinel | Report Mick Mulvaney, the White House budget director, speaks about President...
read more[Translate] Reuters/Jonathan Ernst not all funds and games By Emma Foehringer Merchant and Lisa Hymas GRIST The Trump team wants to...
read more[Translate] Defunding NOAA’s satellites will also hurt weather forecasts, jeopardizing public safety, experts warn. Credit: Tom...
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