[Translate] By Kieran Cooke / Climate News Network A wildfire in California’s Sequoia National Forest last month forms a smoky...
read more[Translate] By Kieran Cooke / Climate News Network A wildfire in California’s Sequoia National Forest last month forms a smoky...
read more[Translate] fire ByAndrew C. Revkin Photo A view of the “Erskine Fire,” which raced through grassy hills and small towns in Kern...
read more[Translate] TAKE PART DAILY Climate change is accelerating fires that produce dangerous levels of pollution. A firefighter pulls a...
read more[Translate] By Abrahm Lustgarten / ProPublica VIA TRUTHDIG Glen Canyon Dam is located in Page, Arizona. (Jacqueline...
read more[Translate] The Glen Canyon Dam, on the Arizona-Utah border, as seen in the documentary “DamNation.” The efficiency of the dam has...
read more[Translate] Char Miller THE GUARDIAN Freak wild fires are becoming the new normal as global weather patterns have changed...
read more[Translate] by Ari Phillips CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: With the official start of summer just days away, wildfire season is off to a...
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