Changes In Attitudes At Higher...
Changes In Attitudes At Higher Latitudes: Utah Reconsiders Its Response To A Hotter Planet
read moreChanges In Attitudes At Higher Latitudes: Utah Reconsiders Its Response To A Hotter Planet
read more[Translate] REVEALNEWS.ORG By Jennifer Oldham / July 12, 2018 Federal officials mistakenly published confidential information on...
read more[Translate] ksblack99 / Flickr by Jessica Corbett Despite protests from conservationists, local tribe leaders, Democratic lawmakers...
read more[Translate] A visionary organization has purchased a mountain in Utah and is designing a ground-up public town that they hope will...
read more[Translate] By Lawrence Carter and Joe Sandler Clarke, Energydesk,GREENPEACE.ORG | News Analysis In addition to Bears Ears and Grand...
read more[Translate] By Nicholas Bryner, Eric Biber, Mark Squillace and Sean B. Hecht, The Conversation | News Analysis On April 26...
read moreFrom uranium mining in the Four Corners to the Hanford nuclear site, the U.S. government has consistently treated First Peoples’ land with disregard.
read more[Translate] The Guardian Conservation Land totaling the size of Connecticut has been targeted in a new bill in the Republican House,...
read more[Translate] by Alejandro Davila FragosoCLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Mark Nunez/Los Padres Forest Aviation/KEYT-TV via AP This photo...
read more[Translate] The Fallen Roof granaries, constructed more than 800 years ago, still contain a dried corn cob. Maize accounted for...
read more[Translate] by Jenny Rowland — Guest Contributor & Lucy Livesay — Guest Contributor CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT:...
read more[Translate] Our leaders thought fracking would save our climate. They were wrong. Very wrong. By Bill McKibben / The Nation VIA...
read more[Translate] by Jenny Rowland — Guest Contributor CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Rick Bowmer Rob Bishop, left, R-Utah, holds...
read more[Translate] Shutterstock By Bobby Magill GRIST Cross-posted from Climate Central The Canadian tar sands, or oil sands, are much...
read more[Translate] It’s not causing them, but it might be making them worse. Lydia O’Connor The Huffington Post ...
read more[Translate] By BRADY McCOMBS AP In this July 13, 2015 photo, Melanie Martin, of the Tar Sands Resistance Movement, looks over...
read more[Translate] by Stephen WolfFollow for Daily Kos Elections States where Democrats could gain from redistricting reform ballot...
read more[Translate] Fracking From the aggressive anti-fracking moves in Maryland to a statewide ban in New York, the anti-fracking movement...
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