[Translate] By Jefferey Jaxen The first-ever mRNA vaccines were rushed to trial and authorized under emergency use authorization...
read more[Translate] By Jefferey Jaxen The first-ever mRNA vaccines were rushed to trial and authorized under emergency use authorization...
read more[Translate] Both Pfizer and Moderna acknowledged that their vaccines could induce side effects that are similar to symptoms...
read more[Translate] 1. Coronavirus patients are pushing U.S. hospitals to the brink — again Gabriela Bhaskar for The New York Times . The...
read more[Translate] Betrayal of Public Trust & Institutional Corruption: Vaccine Safety Ratings & Vaccine Science Falsified by Vera...
read more[Translate] The US House of Representatives is considering House Resolution 327 which asserts that, “there is no credible...
read more[Translate] We are about to witness one of the most important health debates of the 21st century, and this is your invitation to be a...
read more“For the past two weeks, we have waited for the biomedical community to bring forward studies that demonstrate that vaccination of neonates is safe.
read more[Translate] Editorial Bias Text size: Trump Sets Off Media Firestorm With Proposed Vaccine Safety Review Panel by Joseph Mercola, DO...
read more[Translate] by Kate Raines The Vaccine Reaction The foundation of scientific research on human health is the clinical study, and...
read more[Translate] by Paul Fassa Health Impact News There have been unconfirmed suspicions that aluminum toxicity is at least a...
read more[Translate] Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who published a controversial book about the preservatives in vaccines being dangerous for...
read more[Translate] When Mark Zuckerberg posted a photo of his baby daughter on Facebook with the chipper caption, “Doctor’s visit–time for...
read more[Translate] THERE IS A DISTURBING AND CONSISTENT trend in the vaccine safety literature for government-affiliated researchers in the...
read more[Translate] By J.B. Handley AGE OF AUTISM.COM In my last post Frantic: CDC’s Dr. Diane Simpson Travels the World to Find Dr. Poul...
read more[Translate] Get it together, guys ~ Levi Quackenboss What a moment we’re having right now, huh? In the past year and a half we’ve...
read more[Translate] Sunday, March 27, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Tags: Robert De Niro, VAXXED documentary, censorship threats...
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