Department of Homeland Securit...
[Translate] Federal agents employed “a vast arsenal of weapons,” including toxic smoke grenades, against protesters in Portland....
read more[Translate] Federal agents employed “a vast arsenal of weapons,” including toxic smoke grenades, against protesters in Portland....
read moreWhen it comes to raising money based on false claims, this president has nothing on the Pentagon. And worse yet, like America’s wars, the Pentagon’s long con shows no sign of ending.
read more[Translate] By Lisbeth Gronlund When President Trump took office, he inherited an arsenal of some 2,000 ready-to-use nuclear weapons....
read more[Translate] News & Politics Corporate welfare for weapons makers. By William Hartung / TomDispatch Child wearing a gas mask...
read more[Translate] By Ranjani Chakraborty and Abrahm Lustgarten, ProPublica | Report (Photo: Dutch Scenery / Getty Images) The United States...
read more[Translate] Environment How the explosive is poisoning our soil—and our bodies. By Ranjani Chakraborty, Abrahm Lustgarten /...
read more[Translate] Human Rights Education should never feel like a warzone By Frank G. Karioris / Truthout Photo Credit: Wikimedia...
read more[Translate] By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! | Video Interview In his first foreign trip abroad as president, Donald Trump traveled...
read more[Translate] By Rebecca Worby, High Country News | News Analysis This story originally appeared on High Country News. Yucca...
read more[Translate] By William J. Astore / TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG Beth Scupham / CC-BY-2.0 I came of age during America’s Cold War...
read more[Translate] President Barack Obama has received much credit for drawing down American involvement in Iraq and...
read more[Translate] Editorial By THE EDITORIAL BOARD NYTIMES Photo The Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, D.C., on Friday. Credit Doug...
read more[Translate] FUTURISM In Brief An international survey conducted by the Open Roboethics initiative showed that a majority of people...
read more[Translate] FTP.ARL.MIL By Heather Smith GRIST A little over a decade ago, my friend Ed took me to see ENIAC — the first programmable...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG President Obama and King Salman meet in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in January. (Carolyn Kaster / AP) WASHINGTON —...
read more[Translate] More than 1,000 experts and leading robotics researchers sign open letter warning of military artificial intelligence...
read more[Translate] The deadly legacy of nuclear tests in New Mexico continues to impact communities around the White Sands site by Tristan...
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