There Is A Humanitarian Crisis In Louisiana & No One Is Talking About It

Sep 1, 2020 by


August 31st, 2020 by 

Five days ago, a Category 4 hurricane tore through South Louisiana. It wiped out an entire town and leveled Lake Charles. Already, the mainstream media has moved on — almost as fast as the storm did. Friends in my hometown of Shreveport, which is in the northwest corner of Louisiana, have just had their power restored. I was one of the lucky ones in Baton Rouge who didn’t lose power. The storm did take out my neighbor’s banana tree, which had crops on it.


But in comparison to the devastation in Lake Charles, that’s nothing. What’s worse, unlike Katrina which remained in the news for several days after the storm had left, Hurricane Laura’s devastation has faded into the background in the midst of Trump’s ongoing drama, celebrity drama over OnlyFans, and Trump supporters rioting in Portland and starting gunfights.


I saw Victoria’s tweet show up in my feed. It reminded me, a native Louisianan who had the storm pass through my own neighborhood, just how fortunate I was that we were not in the direct path of the storm. Yesterday, Ebay was trending on Twitter because our joke of a president came to Louisiana, put his signature on some pieces of paper for a few people, and told them the pieces of paper would sell on Ebay for $10,000.

We expect more from our leaders. We expect more from our entertainers, for that matter. At this FEMA briefing, yet again we have the President of the United States obsessed with himself. We have a humanitarian crisis and all he can think about is selling autographs.

Perhaps it is a good thing he did that, though, as it was the only thing that got the mainstream media to again talk about what’s going on here in my home state. Perhaps we should be grateful for what little attention we did get.


“Why don’t you just move?” is a question that is often posed to me.

Louisiana is my home. It’s the place where I grew up, went to school, had my first kiss. It’s the place I returned to when I was broken and needed to rebuild my life. We have crawfish season and Mardi Gras. The cost of living isn’t as exorbitant, and I can afford to live here. Many communities in Louisiana are too poor