a passion for cleaning
Vinegar – it’s that stuff that you can buy from the store. Maybe you occasionally use it on your cabbage and roast beef dinner. You’ve probably used it to dye eggs with the kids for Easter, but did you know that vinegar is an incredibly useful product that can be used HUNDREDS of different ways.
In fact, some of the ways that you can use vinegar will downright shock you; others might make you storm out of the house to the grocery store, so you can buy your own gallon to get started.
Due to its chemical makeup, many of the uses for vinegar involve cleaning, and who wouldn’t want 201 cool ways to clean with a product that cost a few dollars per gallon?
We scoured the web, traditional books and everywhere in between, and we’ve compiled this mega list of different ways to use vinegar. Many of the ‘current’ webpages on this matter promise hundreds of ways to use vinegar and deliver only 10-20.
There is even one page that promises 1,000 different uses and doesn’t even offer one! We knew we had to fill the gap – we had to get this remarkable information out to the public, and we had to do it as fast as possible! Let’s jump right into it…
1. Make flowers in a vase last even longer. All you need to do is add two tablespoons of vinegar and three tablespoons of sugar for every quart of warm water used. Make sure the stems of the flowers are in at least three to four inches of water.
2. Make newly cut flowers fresher. Just add one tablespoon of sugar and two tablespoons of vinegar for every quart of water.
3. Here’s a neat one – increase the acidity of your soil. In all hard water areas, you can add one cup of vinegar with one gallon of tap water. You can water all plants that love acid, such as azaleas, gardenias and rhododendrums. Vinegar releases iron inside of the soil, which these plants will love.
4. Another use for vinegar is weed killing. You can simply spray full strength vinegar onto weed growth until the weeds have starved, which kills them.
5. Kill all grass on driveways and walkways. All you need to do is pour full strength vinegar onto unwanted plants and grass.
6. Grow incredibly beautiful azaleas. Just water the plants with a mixture of one quart water, two tablespoons vinegar. Azaleas are plants that love acidic soil, so they’ll grow extra big and beautiful when you add vinegar.
7. Neutralize your garden lime. You should make sure to rinse your hands very well with some vinegar after working with garden lime. You don’t want to end up with rough, flaking skin. Always make sure to clean pots before repotting and rinse with vinegar to get rid of any excess lime.
8. Repel pesky cats from your home. To repel cats, just spray some vinegar on any area where you don’t want the cats. Since cats don’t like the smell of vinegar, they’ll avoid scratching, sleeping and walking on areas where vinegar has been sprayed.
9. Eliminate skunk odor from your canine. To get skunk odor off of your dog, just rub his or her fur with full strength vinegar and make sure to rinse.
10. Repel ants. Ants can be extremely annoying. Leave a single piece of food out for too long, and the ants will come knocking. Spray some vinegar around your window and door frames to repel them. You can also spray it along known ant trails and under appliances.
11. Remove animal pee stains from your carpet. Just use a soft cloth to blot urine stains on your carpet. Make sure to flush many times with lukewarm water. Use a mixture containing equal parts cool water and vinegar. Blot the stain, rinse and allow everything to dry.
12. Clean your fish bowl. You can remove those ugly deposits from your fish bowl by giving it a rub with a vinegar-soaked cloth. Make sure to rinse well.
13. Prevent your dogs from scratching their ears. All you need to do is clean the inside of your dog’s ears with a soft cloth that has been dipped in a diluted mixture of vinegar.
14. Clean your milking equipment. Just rinse the system with vinegar to remove bacteria and leave it odorless and squeaky clean. By using vinegar, you can avoid the use of harsh chemicals.
15. Prevent chicken from pecking each other by adding some apple cider vinegar to their drinking water.
16. Repel mange and fleas. This is an easy one. All you need to do is add a small amount of vinegar into your pet’s drinking water.
17. Discourage pets from biting electrical cords by rubbing some apple cider vinegar on the outside of the insulation.
18. Get rid of pet odors by applying baking soda to them. Let it sit overnight. Vacuum the baking soda and wash the entire area with white vinegar.
19. Get rid of odors in the cat litter box by pouring ½ an inch of vinegar into the empty litter box. Let it soak for about 20 minutes. Rinse the entire box with cold water.
20. Keep your birdbath extra clean by scrubbing it with undiluted white vinegar. Make sure to rinse well.
21. Get rid of skunk odors by wiping down your pet with a half and half mixture of water and vinegar.
22. Wipe a dog’s ears out regularly to prevent it from scratching its ears.
23. Make your dog’s coat of hair look incredible by rubbing a mixture of 1 quart water and 1 cup vinegar on the hair. There is no need to use expensive shine chemicals.
24. Prevent frost from accumulating on your car windows. All you need to do is coat your car’s windows with a really light coat of vinegar the night before a big frost. Use a mixture of one part water to three parts vinegar.
25. Use vinegar to clean the rust from your spigots, bolts and tools. This involves soaking your rusted tools or other equipment in an undiluted solution of vinegar for one night.
26. Want to polish automotive chrome? Just apply full strength vinegar to the chrome and watch as it removes deposits and polishing the chrome into a beautiful masterpiece.
Beauty and Health
27. Add highlights to brunette hair while restoring acid mantel and removing sebum oil and soap film. All you need to do is add one cup of vinegar and add it to a glass of water. Use it to rinse your hair after shampooing.
28. Want to relieve sunburn? Just lightly rub the burn with some vinegar. You might have to reapply the vinegar a few times to get optimal results.
29. Vinegar can also be used to relieve itching. Grab a cotton ball and dab mosquito bites and other causes of itching with straight vinegar out of the bottle.
30. You can even use it to soothe a jellyfish or bee sting. Just dot the affected area using straight vinegar, and it can help to soothe some of the pain you’re experiencing.
31. Ever wanted to dampen your appetite? By sprinkling a bit of vinegar on food before you eat it, you can cut down your appetite a little bit, which can help you to lose weight.
32. Obtain a great sense of well-being. Add one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and add a bit of honey for taste. This can reduce your appetite while significantly boosting your sense of well-being.
33. Treat a chest cold or sinus infection. Just add ¼ a cup of vinegar to a vaporizer and let it run. This will help to relieve congestion in your chest and sinuses.
34. Cure that pesky cold. Mix ¼ cup of Apple Cider Vinegar with ¼ cup of honey. Swallow one tablespoon of the mixture about eight times per day.
35. Fight annoying dandruff. If you’re someone who frequently fights dandruff, just rinse your hair with 2 cups of warm water and vinegar after you’re finished shampooing.
36. Get relief for a sore throat. By adding one teaspoon of vinegar to a glass of water and gargling it before swallowing, you can soothe that painful sore throat you’re dealing with.
37. Get relief from itchy or dry skin. GO ahead and add two tablespoons of vinegar to your bath water, and you should get some relief.
38. Instantly stop the hiccups. If you have the hiccups, just swallow one tablespoon of vinegar. This remedy has the power to instantly get rid of hiccups.
39. Get rid of an upset stomach. All you need to do to eliminate an upset stomach is drink two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with one cup of water.
40. Remove corns from your body. You can make a poultice consisting of ¼ cup of vinegar and a crumbled piece of bread. Allow the poultice to sit for about 30 minutes. Just apply it to the corn and tape it in place overnight. By morning, the corn should peel off. If it doesn’t work the first night, repeat the procedure for a few more nights or until the corn peels off.
41. Get relief from arthritis. Just drink a mixture of two teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar and one glass of water. It can take up to three weeks for this cure to start working.
42. Need to remove warts? Just make a lotion containing half glycerin and half cider vinegar. Apply the solution to warts daily until they’ve been dissolved completely.
43. Get rid of fruit stains on your hands. All you need to do is rub your hands with some vinegar, and it will remove the pesky stains.
44. Get relief from a cough. All you need to do is mix ½ cup of Apple Cider Vinegar with ½ cup of water. Add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and four teaspoons of honey. When your cough symptoms flare up, just swallow one tablespoon of the mixture. Make sure to consume another tablespoon before bed.
45. Want clean dentures? Go ahead and soak the dentures overnight in some vinegar. Make sure to brush away tartar using a toothbrush.
46. Want to prevent a yeast infection? Just douche with one quart of warm water and one tablespoon of vinegar. This will readjust the pH balance of the vagina.
47. Vinegar can be used to brighten your fabric colors. Just add about ½ a cup to your washing machine’s rinse cycle.
48. Clean and freshen your washing machine. Vinegar can also be used to unclog soap scum and clean hoses. About once every month, pour one full cup of vinegar into your washing machine and run a standard cycle while no clothes are in it.
49. Prevent running of bright colors. To prevent your bright colors from running, just immerse your clothes inside a container of straight vinegar for about 10 minutes before you wash them.
50. Repel lint from clothes. By adding one cup of vinegar to a wash, you can prevent lint from sticking to your clothes.
51. You can also remove lint from clothes by adding ½ cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle.
52. Remove antiperspirant and deodorant stains by rubbing them lightly with some distilled vinegar before washing them.
53. Make wool and cotton blankets softer and fluffier. Just add two cups of distilled vinegar to the rinse cycle when washing these blankets, and it will also remove soap odor.
54. Remove perspiration stains from your clothes by rinsing with a mixture of four parts water to one part vinegar.
55. Remove smoke odors from clothes. All you must do is add one cup of vinegar to a bath tub full of hot water. Make sure to hang the clothes above the steam.
56. Remove tough fruit stains. If your fabrics have coffee, mustard, jam or fruit on them, gently rub some full strength vinegar onto the stains.
57. Remove grease from suede. To do this, just dip a toothbrush into some vinegar and use it gently to brush the grease spot.
58. Rinse clothes much better. Add one cup of vinegar top the last rinse cycle when washing clothes and the acid will dissolve alkaline found in detergents and soaps. However, the acid in the vinegar isn’t harsh enough to damage clothes.
59. Add one cup of distilled vinegar to the last set of your rinse cycle when you’re dyeing fabric for better results.
60. Make nylon hose last longer and look better. Just add one tablespoon of vinegar to the water when rinsing.
61. Get a sharper crease in knit fabrics. Just dampen them using a cloth that has been dampened with 2/3 water, and 1/3 distilled vinegar. You can place a brown paper bag over the crease and use an iron for optimal results.
62. Eliminate excess laundry suds that spring up while doing laundry by tossing in a small amount of vinegar into the second rinse. Make sure to follow up with a second rinse using plain water.
63. Clean scorched iron plates. You can heat up a mixture of equal parts salt and vinegar inside of a small pan. Make sure to rub the solution onto a cooled iron surface; it will remove the burned and dark stains.
64. Unclog your steam iron. All you need to do is pour equal amounts of water and vinegar into the iron’s water chamber. Turn the machine on and allow it to steam for about five minutes while positioned in an upright position. Unplug it and allow it to cool. All of the particles loosened by the vinegar will come out when the water is changed.
65. Remove unsightly fabric holes that occur when removing a seam or hem. Place a cloth that has been dampened with distilled vinegar under the fabric and proceed to iron it.
66. Deodorize a wool sweater. To do this, just wash the sweater and rinse it using equal parts water and vinegar. All odors will be removed.
67. Clean a dirty iron plate with a paste created from 1 part salt and 1 part vinegar.
68. Remove tea and coffee stains by flushing them with vinegar and rinsing thoroughly.
69. Make your washing machine smell better by cleaning its gasket with vinegar and baking soda.
70. Make vintage clothes smell better by spritzing them with a mixture of two parts water and 1 part white vinegar. It will remove musty odors.
71. Take the musty odors out of workout clothes by adding some vinegar to the wash and ½ cup of baking soda.
72. Prevent red clothes from bleeding by soaking them in white distilled vinegar for about 15 minutes before washing them.
73. Restore the color to yellow garments by soaking them in a mixture of 1 part vinegar with 12 parts warm water.
74. Stop jeans from fading prematurely by soaking them in vinegar and water.
75. Get rid of manufacturer chemicals from your new clothes by adding ½ cup vinegar to the water when washing them.
76. Get rid of soap scum while cleaning the hoses on your washing machine by periodically running one cup of vinegar through the machine.
77. Make bright colors brighter by adding ½ cup vinegar to your washing machine’s rinse cycle when washing the clothes.
78. Make acrylic or wool sweaters fluffier and eliminate soap odors by adding ½ cup vinegar to the final rinse cycle.
79. Prevent wool sweaters from shrinking in the dryer by boiling them in a mixture of 2 parts water with 1 part vinegar for roughly 25 minutes.
80. Soak sheets in white distilled vinegar before you wash them to freshen them up. Sprinkle baking soda onto them to make them even fresher.
81. Get rid of annoying wine stains by saturating them in vinegar and allowing the vinegar to sit for a few minutes. Wash them immediately after you’ve soaked them in vinegar.
82. Take smoky odors out of clothes by adding 1 cup white vinegar to hot bath water and hanging the clothes above the steam. Make sure the steam penetrates the fibers.
83. Get rid of mineral deposits from spray nozzles and vents using vinegar.
84. Eliminate musky smells from your favorite cotton clothes by applying some white vinegar to them. Make sure to press them after sprinkling the vinegar onto them.
85. Remove salt and water stains from boots and sneakers by wiping them with a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar.
86. Shine patent leather bags and shoes by giving them a good wipe with distilled white vinegar.
87. Add ¼ cup of distilled vinegar to the last rinse cycle of your laundry to make your garments cleaner.
88. Take the moldy smell out of laundry you accidently left in the washer by pouring a few cups of white vinegar into the machine and proceed to wash the clothes with hot water. Next, run the clothes on a normal cycle using detergent.
89. Eliminate perspiration stains, odors and deodorant marks by spraying clothes with distilled white vinegar. Make sure to spray problems areas like collars and underarms.
90. Remove ketchup, barbecue and spaghetti stains using a solution containing water and vinegar.
91. Make it easier to remove mustard stains by dabbing them with some vinegar beforehand.
92. Soak out a wide range of stains on linens and clothing using a mixture of equal parts white vinegar and milk.
93. Make dingy, stained dishcloths and socks white again by boiling the items in a large pot of water and 1 cup distilled vinegar. Allow the items to sit in the pot overnight.
94. Remove the soap residue that makes black clothes look dull by adding some white distilled vinegar to the last rinse when washing.
95. Stop lint from clinging to your favorite clothes by adding ½ cup of vinegar to the wash cycle.
96. Remove ugly crayon stains by rubbing them with an old toothbrush that has been dipped in vinegar.
97. Remove hard water stains by applying some vinegar to a cloth and allowing it to sit on the back of the faucet in your kitchen. This gets rid of stuck-on hard water stains that are very unsightly.
98. Kill bacteria and tenderize your meat with vinegar. For every three pounds of roast, use about ¼ cup of vinegar. For best results, marinate the meat overnight.
99. Add two tablespoons of vinegar to eggs before boiling. It prevents them from cracking and gives you better eggs.
100. Soak your favorite vegetables in two cups of water and one tablespoon of vinegar to make the vegetables look and taste fresher.
101. Clean tea and coffee stains from the microwave by scrubbing it with a mixture of equal parts salt and vinegar. Rinse with water after cleaning.
102. Dump about one handful of baking soda into your drain and add a half cup of vinegar to unclog it. Wait one minute then rinse with hot water.
103. Pour one cup of vinegar into your kitchen drain every week to deodorize the drain. Allow the vinegar to sit for about 30 minutes before rinsing it.
104. Each month, run one cup of vinegar through an entire dishwashing cycle to keep your dishwasher cleaning efficiently. The vinegar will clean the machine and prevent it from leaving deposits unto glassware.
105. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt into one cup of distilled vinegar and use it to scrub pewter, copper and brass. The mixture will make these materials shine after they’re cleaned.
106. Use vinegar to prevent deposits from forming inside of your automatic drip coffee maker. Just fill the reservoir with vinegar and allow it to run through an entire brew cycle. When the cycle is finished, rinse the coffee maker with water.
107. Make your lunchbox fresher by soaking some bread in vinegar and leaving it inside of your lunchbox overnight.
108. To eliminate gross cooking smells, add some vinegar and water to a small pot and let it simmer on the stove.
109. Deodorize and clean your jars by rinsing them with vinegar. It works great for jars that had mustard, peanut butter, mayonnaise and other foods.
110. Deodorize and clean the garbage disposal by creating some vinegar ice cubes. Just feed them down the disposal and grind them. Make sure to rinse with water when finished.
111. Boil a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water in a teapot to give it a good clean. Be sure to rinse with water.
112. Remove odor and grease by adding a single tablespoon of vinegar to the hot soapy water you’re washing dishes with.
113. Disinfect and thoroughly clean your favorite wood cutting board by giving it a good wipe with straight vinegar.
114. Get rid of onion odor by splashing your fingers in vinegar before and when you’re finished slicing.
115. Make your microwave extra clean by boiling one cup of water with ¼ cup of vinegar mixed together. Just boil the mixture in the microwave, and it will remove splattered food and remove bad smells.
116. Fill food-stained pans and pots with vinegar and allow them to sit for 30 minutes. Rinse with hot, soapy water for a thorough clean.
117. Fill pots with three tablespoons vinegar and one pint of water to remove stains from pots. Boil the solution until the stains have loosened enough to be washed away.
118. Clean fine glassware and china by adding one cup of vinegar to a sink filled with warm water. Just dip the china or glass into the solution and allow it to dry.
119. Clean stainless steel much more thoroughly by wiping it with a cloth that is damp with vinegar.
120. Make a solution of equal parts vinegar and water and clean the refrigerator with it.
121. To make it much easier to scale fish, just rub them with vinegar about five minutes before you start.
122. Debug tasty vegetables by washing them in a mixture of vinegar, salt and water. The bugs will float right off of the veggies.
123. Make some wine vinegar by mixing one teaspoon of dry red wine with two tablespoons of vinegar.
124. Want fluffier rice? Just add one teaspoon of vinegar into the water as the rice is boiling.
125. Firm up your favorite flavor of gelatin with one teaspoon of vinegar for each box of gelatin.
126. Substitute ¼ a teaspoon of vinegar for 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. It serves as a great substitute for those times when you can’t drive to the store.
127. Make buttermilk by mixing together one cup of milk and one tablespoon of vinegar. Let it sit for five minutes, and it will thicken.
128. Clear ugly film on containers like bottles by pouring some vinegar into them and shaking. Add a few tablespoons of sand or rice and shake well for the tougher stains. Make sure to rinse thoroughly and repeat the process as needed.
129. Remove mineral stains on aluminum utensils by boiling a mixture of one tablespoon vinegar per one cup of water in the utensils. You can also boil utensils in the solution.
130. Eliminate soap film from glassware by adding one cup of vinegar to the bottom rack of your dishwasher. Run through the entire cycle.
131. Remove stains from difficult to clean porcelain, aluminum or glass utensils by washing them with a boiled solution consisting of one part vinegar for eight parts water.
132. Shine no-wax linoleum by wiping it with ½ cup white vinegar mixed with ½ gallon of water.
133. Use a vinegar-soaked cloth to wipe Formica counters and tops. It will make them shine very nicely.
134. Prevent the buildup of grease in your oven by wiping it down with a cloth that has been dampened with water and vinegar.
135. Get rid of fruit stains on your hands by rubbing them with a bit of distilled vinegar.
136. Deodorize your bread box by wiping it down with some distilled vinegar.
137. Put a bottle of warm apple cider vinegar inside of your kitchen, and it will keep the fruit flies away from your fruit basket.
138. Clean the underside of the rubber lip of your garbage disposal by washing it with a sponge soaked with vinegar.
139. Get rust off of a cast iron pan by soaking it with a mixture of ½ water and ½ vinegar. However, don’t let it sit for too long because it can damage the pan.
140. Use some apple cider vinegar to shine your old, worn tea kettle. Spray some vinegar onto it and wipe it down with a cloth containing baking soda. Avoid scratching the metal by following the grain.
141. Remove thick mineral deposits from your tea kettle with a mixture of boiled salt, water and vinegar. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes and let it sit overnight inside of the kettle.
142. Steam an ugly kettle with one part apple cider vinegar and four parts water. Allow the kettle to steam for a few minutes to remove mineral deposits.
143. Clean the blades of a can-opener using a toothbrush that has been soaked in straight vinegar.
144. To make your own all-purpose vinegar cleaner, just mix one part white vinegar with 20 drops of essential oil and four parts water. Add one teaspoon of organic dish soap.
145. Make your kitchen cabinets shine like new by wiping them down with some water and vinegar.
146. Cut costs and remove grime form stainless steel by scrubbing it with a mixture of essential oils, liquid dish soap and white distilled vinegar.
147. Make your countertops smell wonderful by wiping them down with a cloth that is damp with white vinegar.
148. Get your silverware to shine again by soaking it inside of a sink full of water and vinegar.
149. Use vinegar in the dishwasher to keep your glassware shining bright.
150. Clean a water/ice dispenser by running some white distilled vinegar through it.
151. Get rid of mineral deposits in your dishwasher by ½ cup of white distilled vinegar inside of it while running the machine on an empty cycle. Make sure to pour the vinegar into the reservoir.
152. Eliminate stains on your refrigerator by soaking the stains in some undiluted white distilled vinegar.
153. Remove foul odors from a lunch box by soaking some bread with vinegar and leaving it inside of the lunchbox overnight.
154. Get rid of dark stains on an aluminum pot by boiling one cup of water and white distilled vinegar together in the pot.
155. Use white distilled vinegar to get a thorough clean on a can opener wheel.
156. Eliminate the smell of spoiled food from the refrigerator by rinsing it with water, soap and vinegar.
157. Get rid of grease from almost anything by wiping it with white distilled vinegar.
158. Place dishrags and sponges in a container filled with water and ¼ a cup of vinegar. Allow the rags to soak overnight.
159. Get rid of soap buildup on faucets by scrubbing them with 4 parts white vinegar and 1 part salt.
160. Take lime deposits off of faucets by soaking them in ½ cup of white vinegar.
161. Add one cup of distilled white vinegar to dishwasher and run it on an empty cycle every month to keep it smelling great.
162. Prevent glassware from getting etched by minerals by washing and spraying them with straight white vinegar. Before drying the glassware, rinse them in hot water.
163. To clean cloudy glassware, soak paper towels in straight vinegar and wrap them around the glassware.
164. Get rid of mineral deposits in coffee makers by filling them with at least one cup of white vinegar. Make sure to run the coffee maker through an entire cycle.
165. Get rid of stains on teacups by scrubbing them with a mixture of equal parts vinegar and salt.
166. Clean smelly or stained plastic food containers with a cloth dampened with vinegar. It will remove the stains and odors.
167. Make an effective scouring cleanser by combining ¼ cup baking soda with one tablespoon of liquid detergent.
168. Deodorize your garbage disposal by pouring a cup of half vinegar and half baking soda into it.
169. Get the walls of your refrigerator extra clean by wiping them with a half and half solution of white vinegar and water.
170. Remove grime from the top of your refrigerator with a paper towel soaked with straight vinegar.
171. Say goodbye to oven odors forever by wiping it down with a sponge that has been soaked in white distilled vinegar.
172. Remove grease splatter from your oven door window by saturating it in full strength vinegar.
173. Eliminate lime buildup and shine chrome sink fixtures by scrubbing them with a paste containing one teaspoon white vinegar and two tablespoons salt.
174. Refresh unsightly ice trays by soaking them in vinegar for 5 hours. Rinse with cold water and let dry.
175. Remove surface residue from cutting boards by wiping them down with undiluted vinegar.
176. Wipe away difficult refrigerator spills with a mixture of half vinegar and half water.
177. Get rid of burned bits inside of a pan by boiling a mixture of 1 cup vinegar with 1 cup water.
178. Remove greasy messes with a simple mixture of equal parts vinegar and baking soda.
179. Unclog a worn shower head by submerging it inside of a pot that is filled with equal parts water and vinegar. Make sure to bring the mixture to a boil to get it to unclog the shower head.
180. Remove difficult stains from the toilet by spraying it with vinegar and scrubbing it down. The toilet bowl can be deodorized by applying three cups of vinegar and allow it to sit for 30 minutes.
181. Remove grime, mildew and soap scum from shower curtains, tile and bathtubs by wiping these surfaces with vinegar and rinsing with water.
182. Get rid of stain and soap scum buildup from plastic and chrome bathroom fixtures by cleaning them with a mixture of two tablespoons distilled vinegar and one teaspoon of salt.
183. Eliminate germs from bathroom fixtures by spraying and wiping them clean with a mixture of one part water to one part vinegar.
184. Remove unsightly film from bathtub by wiping it down with vinegar and baking soda. Rinse with some water when finished.
185. Strip corrosion right off of faucets or showerheads by soaking them in a diluted and distilled mixture of vinegar overnight. You can even dampen a terry cloth with the mixture instead and allow it to sit on the faucet or showerhead overnight.
186. Shine chrome bathroom fixtures and remove lime with a paste made from 1 teaspoon vinegar and 2 tablespoons salt.
187. Get rid of soap buildup on your faucets by scrubbing them with a mixture of 4 parts distilled vinegar and 1 part salt.
188. To turn a chicken bone into rubber, just soak it inside of a glass of vinegar for roughly three days.
189. Deodorize the air with vinegar. When sprayed inside of a room, it’s a natural deodorizer.
190. Make propane lantern wicks burn longer by soaking them in vinegar for a few hours.
191. Give your eyeglasses a strong cleaning by wiping each lens with one drop of vinegar.
Clean wood with a lindseed oil/vinegar mixture.
192. To reduce soap bubbles in a steam cleaner, add a small amount of vinegar to the water.
193. Stop patching plaster from drying by adding a single tablespoon of vinegar the water that you’re using for the mixture. It will greatly slow the drying time.
194. Give windows a better clean by spraying them with vinegar and wiping them down.
195. Take annoying bumper stickers or decals off of your car by using a cloth to soak them in vinegar for a few minutes. Once the vinegar soaks in, the stickers should come off easily.
196. Remove cigarette odor or paint fumes by placing a small bowl of vinegar into a room.
197. Brush rugs and carpets with a mixture of one gallon water with one cup of vinegar to give them a new lease on life and make them look incredible.
198. Clean plastic and make it anti-static by wiping it down with one tablespoon of distilled vinegar mixed with one gallon of water. It will also help to stop the plastic from attracting dust.
199. Remove unpleasant odor and make a room smell great by adding your favorite, good smelling spices to a bowl of distilled vinegar. Make sure to place the bowl in the hottest portion of the room.
200. Get your patent leather to shine fabulously by wiping it down with a soft cloth that has been dampened with vinegar.
201. Soften paintbrushes by soaking them in hot vinegar and washing them with warm, sudsy water.
202. Loosen the old glue on the joints and rungs of older chairs and tables by applying some distilled vinegar using small oil can.
203. Keep the grills on your exhaust fans and air conditioners from attracting a lot of dust by wiping them down with distilled vinegar.
204. Remove the rust that has formed on bolts, screws, tools and spigots by soaking these items in straight vinegar overnight.
205. Make outdoor furniture smell fresh again by soaking a cloth in white vinegar and wiping the furniture pieces down.
206. Make short work of berry stains on your hands by promptly scrubbing them with some white vinegar.
207. Give patio furniture a very thorough cleaning with a mixture of 1 gallon of water and 1 tablespoon white vinegar.
208. Clean an outdoor fountain and remove mineral deposits from the pump by soaking it in vinegar.
209. Use white distilled vinegar to clean a hummingbird cleaner. Detergent or soap would leave behind a residue that you don’t want.
210. Keep your flowers fresher for longer by adding 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to the water in the vase.
211. Preserve your favorite cut flowers and make droopy flowers come alive again with 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of sugar added to one quart of water inside of a flower vase.
212. Make garden lime neutral by adding some white vinegar to the area.
213. Prevent issues by washing your hands with distilled vinegar after working in the garden.
214. Increase the acidity level of your soil by adding some white distilled vinegar to it.
215. Kill bacteria by washing fresh veggies with 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 quart of water.
216. Make seeds germinate faster by soaking them in a mix of warm water and apple cider vinegar overnight.
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