An extraordinarily scaled-down home and garden for a couple and their 2 kids fosters sustainability and togetherness
It’s easy to see why. The small home, situated north of Portland on picturesque Sauvie Island, is part of a wildlife and agricultural preserve. “We fell in love with the area after our first hike, but it took a while before we found our home. We saw so much potential in this house despite finding it in a completely run-down state. Its size is definitely out of the ordinary for this area, but since we have to scale things down, we’ve all become more disciplined when it comes to what we consume and bring into the house,” says Helgerson.
Who lives here: Jessica Helgerson; her husband, architect Yianni Doulis; and their 2 kids
Location: Sauvie Island, Oregon
Size: 540 square feet; 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 sleeping loft
That’s interesting: The home is in its fifth use. Previously it was a single-family home in Vanport Village, a shipyard worker’s abode, a goose-checking station and an auto mechanic’s run-down rental.
“Every room in the house works hard, and that’s really the point. We remodeled everything and gutted it and turned the interiors into a highly efficient space,” says Helgerson.
“The stove sometimes works a little too well in the great room. We usually crack open a window in the winter, because it can get pretty hot,” she says.
Table: custom, Yianni Doulis; chairs: vintage, Paul McCobb; cladding paint: white opulence, Benjamin Moore; pendants: bought in France
A walnut ladder leads the eye upward to Helgerson and her husband’s lofty nest.
Sofa, bookshelves, walnut ladder: custom, Jessica Helgerson Design
“Our general thinking is that if it’s not beautiful and useful, then we probably don’t need it,” she says.
The designer admits that although sharing one bathroom with three other people proves difficult at times, the rewards far outweigh the inconveniences.
Water plants: Digs
Knowing that storage was an issue, Max emailed his friends and asked for no gifts at the party. “We got him a lovely bow and arrow, which is what he had wanted, so he wasn’t deprived. One friend cheated and brought him a little box of Mexican jumping beans,” says Helgerson.
Today, the family is self-sufficient for food, except for “alcohol, caffeine and most carbohydrates,” says Helgerson. They grow their own tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, onions, okra and “every type of berry that comes to mind.”
“I’m not about to preach to somebody else when it comes to how to live their lives,” she says. “But I think most of my clients know that my colleagues and I are pretty thoughtful about what we do. We want each and every one of our remodels to be our last [for that home].”
She admits that a part of her carries the romantic notion that her kids will someday inherit the land of their youth — but she wouldn’t be surprised if both her daughter and son declare a preference for city living once they’re a bit older.
“They might just come home one day and say that they want to live in New York City,” says Helgerson.