Anheuser-Busch To Brew All Domestic Beer Using Renewable Energy By 2021
When a new solar power farm is completed in 2021, Anheuser-Busch will brew all its domestic beers with electricity from solar and wind power. The Pecos County, TX solar facility will have a capacity of 222 MWac and it is anticipated it will have an annual output of 650 GWhrs. In a company press release it states that this amount of electricity will be enough to produce, “20 billion 12 oz. servings of beer.” Angie Slaughter, Vice President of Sustainability at Anheuser Busch InBev North America, answered some questions for CleanTechnica about the company’s use of renewable energy.
When will Anheuser-Busch brew all its beer using renewable electricity?
All Anheuser-Busch domestic beers will be brewed with 100% renewable electricity from wind and solar power by 2021.
Why is the company committed to using clean, renewable electricity?
As the undisputed leader in the US beer industry, we’re using our size and scale to invest in renewable electricity, advanced technology, green the grid and reduce greenhouse gas emissions over time. By investing in renewable electricity, Anheuser-Busch is not only helping the environment, but also evolving our business to help mitigate the impacts of climate change on its supply chain. It is good for business and good for the environment.
Is it only solar power the company is using for brewing, or is there also some wind power?
With the addition of the Pecos, TX solar farm, all our domestic beers will be brewed using 100% renewable electricity from solar and wind power beginning in 2021. The development of this solar farm builds on our established commitments to wind power. Last year, Budweiser became the first Anheuser-Busch brand and the first major beer brand in the U.S. to be brewed with 100 percent renewable electricity from wind power.
During the brewing process, what processes use the most electricity?
To brew the perfect beer, we need a mixture of energy – both electricity and heat. Nearly one third of our brewing comes from electricity, while the rest comes from heat. With the addition of our new solar farm, the electricity element of the brewing process for all our domestic beers will be powered by 100% renewable electricity from wind and solar power beginning in 2021.
Where is the beer brewed? Is there a single main facility or are there brewing locations around the country?
Our beer is brewed at our 12 major breweries across the country; and we also have 12 of craft partners as well., For a full list of Anheuser-Busch owned and operated breweries visit. We currently have renewable electricity sites installed at Baldwinsville, Fairfield, St. Louis, Cartersville, Los Angeles, NY WOD, and Newark. Additionally, through our Elevate program, all our craft partners will install solar panels at their breweries by the end of 2020.
Where is the 222 MW solar power farm located?
The solar farm will be located in Pecos County, Texas, in the West Texas Permian Basin.
What is the company’s relationship with Recurrent Energy?
With the solar farm, Anheuser-Busch has formed a power purchase agreement with Recurrent Energy that will generate enough renewable electricity equivalent to the remaining 50% of our U.S. operations, bringing us up to 100% renewable electricity across the US. We will work with Recurrent Energy, our partner managing the solar farm, to ensure we’re meeting our target of offsetting over 450,000 metric tons of CO2 and reaching out 100% renewable electricity goal.
Will the company ever use electric trucks for distribution?
Our solar farm is just one of the ways we are working to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. Anheuser-Busch has also placed orders for 40 Tesla fully electric-powered semi-trucks and up to 800 Nikola hydrogen-electric powered semi-trucks in an effort to achieve its commitment to reduce its supply chain carbon footprint by 25 percent, by 2025.
Image Credit: Pp391, Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
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