Bill Moyers on Democracacy

Jun 5, 2020 by

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Bill Moyers
We Hold This Truth to Be Self-Evident: It’s Happening Before Our Very Eyes

Democracy in America has been a series of narrow escapes. We may be running out of luck, and no one is coming to save us. For that, we have only ourselves.
The Die is Cast. Can the Republic Be Saved?
Donald Trump used his June 2 rant against looting and thuggery after George Floyd’s murder to bang the drum for a civil war that he’s been toying with. But how pure was the republic before he stepped into the spotlight?

The Pentagon Says No
Military leaders past and present and all four former US presidents condemn Trump’s “troops on the ground.”

From the Principal’s Office: Eric Juli Speaks Out
“The purpose of our school isn’t simply to develop college and career-ready students. I believe in my heart that developing citizens, with a clear and purposeful focus on social justice, is part of who we can and must be.”
Secreting Behind the Barricades in the “People’s House”
The large picture today is one of a president increasingly isolated as protests increase and establishment figures turn against him and the politics he represents.
Why I Am Angry
“I’m a Navy officer. I’m a nonprofit CEO. I’m a black man in America.”
Jeremy Butler is the CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and a Naval officer.
Trump’s Love/Hate Relationship With Twitter
Libel, freedom of speech, limits of an executive order —Trump doesn’t seem to understand any of them.
Tear Gas and the Bible
Trump’s photo op backfires big time. Even televangelist Pat Robertson told Trump that his response to the protests “isn’t cool.”
In Other News: Rand Paul Blocked the Emmett Till Antilynching Act
Reporting you might have missed.

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