How Climate Change is Affecting Your Home
Moisture levels are on the rise, according to a recent report by the U.S. Global Change Research Program, which cites a 71 percent increase in heavy precipitation events. The report also details how temperatures will continue to rise up to 10 degrees in the next century, depending on how we manage carbon emissions in the future.
But what does a rapidly changing climate mean for homeowners? A volatile changing climate could mean an increase in Lyme disease, waterborne diseases, more short-term flooding, overwhelmed drainage systems and increased pests, just to name a few.
Avoid Plummeting Property Values
Think twice before investing in coastal properties, and consider the history of the land before building. Miami was a swampland for thousands of years, until the 1800s when developers moved in, drained the land and started building. But southern Florida is still flat, prone to hurricanes and sits on a porous limestone plateau. As more hurricanes hit the coast from New York to Florida, investing in rebuilding and development will slow and populations may decline. Meanwhile in California, higher temperatures could mean less snowpack and more flooding which will affect both property values and winter sports-based tourism.
Lead Your Community by Example
It may be a silver lining that communities will be in a situation to either crumble under climate change’s peril or get creative and address the issue head on. Start now by using more green roofs, rain gardens, and trees on your property to help lower the temperature and absorb carbon dioxide from the air. Lobby among your neighbors and community councils to follow similar practices to make a more widespread impact. Install new roofing that’s light in color and made to last a lifetime, and get rid of dark pavement that can offset heat absorption.
Make What’s Old New Again
Older buildings can be repurposed and renovated with green standards to offset wasting resources and leaving behind a large carbon footprint. New construction can also employ “original green” standards by being built in accordance to the natural climate and environmental needs nearby. Look into what environmentally-safe building materials might be right for your home and take steps towards “greening up” your living space.
Act Now
Work towards updating and protecting your home from changing weather conditions by taking a range of big and small steps. Couple your protective efforts with preventative techniques to lower your carbon emissions and help make an impact against climate change.
Outfit your home with solar or wind turbines to rely on renewable energy. Simple steps like using a non-motorized push mower, and reducing your landscape watering and pesticide use can make an impact outdoors. Indoors, make your home more energy efficient to reduce emissions by sealing doors and windows, insulating pipes and ceiling fans, and regularly cleaning your air ducts. Equally as important, get involved in your community to help initiate climate change policies and educate the public on how potential consequences of our current living and building standards will impact our future.
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