‘It’s Time to Hand the Mic to Gun Owners’

Oct 17, 2018 by

The Atlantic




Oct 17, 2018

Video by The Atlantic

When The Atlantic writer Elaina Plott was shot in a drive-by shooting, her views on the right to bear arms began to change. Just as is the case for two out of every five Americans, Plott had grown up in a gun-owning household and a community that revered firearms. But her experience afforded her a new perspective. In a new video, she expands upon the experience she detailed in her piece, “The Bullet in My Arm,” advocating for Democrats and Republicans to reach across the aisle rather than cater to their “most extreme impulses” about gun ownership.

This video marks the relaunch of The Atlantic Argument, an op-ed series that puts our acclaimed writers—and their insightful and provocative opinions—front and center. Plott’s video will be followed by Arguments from Alexis Madrigal on the impact of social media abroad, Caitlin Flanagan on sex abuse in the Catholic Church, Vann Newkirk on land theft in Mississippi, and many more. A new video will be released every Wednesday.

We want to hear what you think about this article. Submit a letter to the editor or write to letters@theatlantic.com.

Author: Vishakha Darbha

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