Spiritual Insight into Processing the Grief of Loss

Nov 29, 2017 by

November 29th, 2017

By Open

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Ever find yourself in grief at loss? For example losing a loved one, a valued career or cherished location. It is, without doubt, one of the most challenging things we can face. But there are some key clues to finding the light through it. Whenever you feel some kind of relativistic experience like this, there’s always the flip side, and a doorway through to it — grief at loss, and the incredible potential of something new now wanting to manifest, are two side of the same coin.

Here’s a straightforward way of honouring the grief and breaking through to the other side…

The Doorway is opened through the feeling of emptiness.

A sense of loss happens because some external person or ‘object’ has helped fulfill something in us. Loss is the deprivation of that. Maybe they passed on, or a relationship broke down? The pain can seem almost unbearable. It is not. but you have to be prepared to go courageously right into the centre of the pain, and through the eye of the needle, in order to come out shining on the other side.

The doorway through to the other side is opened through the feeling of emptiness, which is concealed within the well of grief. It’s your understandable resistance to this feeling which keeps you from locating the doorway. Your resistance builds internal polarity — you’re distanced from the experience and so can’t normalise in it. The suffering becomes too great to find your way through it.

You have to become intimately intimate with the grief — sob your heart out, and keep right on sobbing, but AT THE SAME TIME, it’s important not to just wallow in it and become victimised by it. Be attentive. Feel deep into the pain and express it fully, till you become as-one with it. That’s the time to look for the emptiness, because in this lies an incredible opportunity.

Consuming the Experience of Desolation

There’s a challenge in the emptiness too — one to watch out for. That’s the sense of desolation, of hopelessness, that there’s nothing to live for. When you touch the desolation, you’re right at the bottom of the well. That’s especially the time to look for, and embody, the emptiness. Let the emptiness of the Void — of the One — consume the experience of desolation.

Now you’re ready to unleash the infinite potential of The One. The energy that was contained within the previous manifestation is now breaking down in its old form. Watch it break up in your mind’s eye. Then breathe the fragmented ‘strings’ of energy back inside of you. Your kundalini energy will strengthen. It’s magnitude will rise to the extent of the energy in the grief you released…

That means the greater the strength of the grief, the greater the potential to create something fantastically new.

Creating a New Narrative

A new narrative is ready to be born from this potential. Work inside yourself — break down any resistant neural pathways that attached you to the old reality. Now watch for the possibility, concealed within any emotional anxiety — which in itself, also conceals the nervous anticipation of something wonderful ready to create itself.

Look for this new manifestation all around you. But don’t expect it to exactly replace what you had. Let yourself innovate. Let an entirely new creation flow through you and out into your life. Step positively in the direction of the forming energy. Give yourself fully to the new narrative.

This way, the grief of loss, leads to the unexpectedly exquisite. Let’s make sure we seize the opportunity. It makes the pain of the lesson worthwhile. It gives it value and meaning. You are propelled positively forwards.

(Here’s how to unleash your Cosmic Self.)

Time to Greet Yourself in Your Own Mirror

When grief arises at sense of loss, it’s because you’ve lost yourself in the mirror of life that you manifested. But this also tells you something: you’re ready to greet yourself again! So let go of the grief now, and welcome yourself, back into your own loving embrace, so that love in the external, may be reborn once more…

In loving support,

(on behalf of Openhand)

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About the author:

Openhand is a bridge into higher dimensions of consciousness. It is a way of tapping into the benevolent guiding hand of the Universe, to help you align with your soul through life. It empowers people to be totally authentic in who they are, and in so doing, facilitating a profound shift of consciousness into a new vibrational paradigm, in the Fifth Density.

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