Follow the Money to the Amazon
Who is profiting from the development that led to these fires?
read moreWho is profiting from the development that led to these fires?
read moreThe certified organic label has helped save many generational farms and enabled people like me, who do not come from agricultural backgrounds, to become successful farmers.
read more[Translate] HIGHTOWERS LOWDOWN Subscribe to Hightower’s Radio Lowdown with your favorite podcast app: In the 1980s, when I was...
read more[Translate] A new report shows toxins from suppliers to companies like Tyson Foods are pouring into waterways, causing marine life to...
read more[Translate] ABC Rural By Anna Vidot Photo: Australian grain growers brought in a record wheat harvest in 2016, but the long-term...
read more[Translate] Environment The proposed remarriage of two agrochemical giants with dark histories promises more bad things. By Will...
read more[Translate] “The Tapajós River, Brazil. More than forty dams would turn this free flowing river and its tributaries into a vast...
read more[Translate] By Renae Merle THE WASHINGTON POST genetically modified corn plants inside greenhouses housed on the roof of Monsanto...
read more[Translate] Food Chemical fertilizer pollutes the environment, disrupts the climate and damages human and animal health. By Martha...
read more[Translate] Investigations Chris Hedges investigates the ways in which a radical city councilman and a civil rights attorney...
read more[Translate] Lorraine Chow ECOWATCH Mexico’s unique and treasured native corn varieties could be under threat as Monsanto, the...
read more[Translate] Environmentalists and agribusiness are waging a pitched battle over the use of pesticides. By Reynard Loki / AlterNet...
read more[Translate] Shutterstock By Nathanael Johnson GRIST A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a patch of Indonesian rainforest that was...
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