[Translate] If you or someone you know needs proof that global climate change is real and is happening before our very eyes, you...
read more[Translate] If you or someone you know needs proof that global climate change is real and is happening before our very eyes, you...
read more[Translate] Environment The controversial main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup is being connected to algae blooms that have...
read more[Translate] Environment In the process of producing food, we’ve inadvertently filled our planet with toxic forms of nitrogen....
read more[Translate] Environment The nation’s water systems are increasingly at risk of nutrient pollution. By Alexandra Cousteau /...
read more[Translate] TED / Edith Widder Goo Riddance By Ana Sofia Knauf GRIST Hey, beachgoers: Have you ever ventured into the ocean on a...
read more[Translate] by Natasha Geiling CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock Commercial and recreational fisheries up and down the West...
read more[Translate] by Katie Valentine CLIMATE PROGRESS This Aug. 21, 2009, file photo shows an algae bloom in the reservoir behind Iron Gate...
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