Extinction Rebellion, Greenpea...
Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace Campaign for a Breakup Between Big Tech and Big Oil
read moreExtinction Rebellion, Greenpeace Campaign for a Breakup Between Big Tech and Big Oil
read moreSaving Chaco: As coronavirus consumes New Mexico, drilling threatens sacred land
read more‘We Need People’s Bailout, Not Polluters’ Bailout’: Climate Groups Move to Preempt Big Oil Giveaway Amid Pandemic
read moreTrump Administration Ignores Oil Worker Safety In Pursuit Of Offshore Oil Profits
read moreFor more than six months, twin brothers Ronald and Donald Schweitzer have watched large amounts of salty wastewater bubble up from the ground in their wheat field. The “saltwater purge” has killed three trees and several acres of crops on their northwest Oklahoma farm.
read moreHere’s what the major fossil fuel companies are committing to do on climate change, and how that falls far short of what’s needed.
read moreIf you’re fortunate enough not to have a Twitter account, then you might have missed the news that the website’s CEO, Jack Dorsey, took the unprecedented step of banning political ads last week.
read more“The court room is a new frontier around addressing climate change.”
read moreMajor oil companies have approved $50 billion of projects since last year that will not be economically viable if governments implement the Paris Agreement on climate change, think-tank Carbon Tracker said in a report published on Friday.
read moreOne of the Trump administration’s latest environmental regulatory rollbacks has managed to piss off both Big Oil and environmentalists.
read moreRoyal Dutch Shell, one of the world’s biggest oil companies, recently said it had dropped out of a Washington D.C. industry lobbying group, American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, or AFPM. Why? Because Shell supports the Paris Agreement on climate change and the lobbying group doesn’t.
read moreThe campaigns against ballot measures in three states have amassed $81 million.
read moreThere is seemingly no limit to the fossil fuel money that will fight decarbonization.
read moreA new global report from scientists amounts to an urgent call for the world to act…
read more[Translate] Conservationists believe Andrew Wheeler, the acting administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, may be even...
read more[Translate] Climate Union of Concerned Scientists U.S. Army / Michael J. Nevins By Elliott Negin On Monday, a federal judge dismissed...
read more[Translate] Bill McKibben From Wall Street to the pope, many increasingly see fossil fuels as anything but a sure bet. That gives us...
read more[Translate] One of the longest and most consequential campaigns against science in modern history is becoming more extreme—and...
read more[Translate] The terror they inflict on Americans is very real. By Paul Buchheit / AlterNet Various definitions of terrorism have been...
read more[Translate] Environment An ambitious project seeks to provide clean water to rural indigenous communities devastated by Big Oil. By...
read more[Translate] Indigenous activists from Idle No More San Francisco (SF) have been working with 350.org to stand up to Big Oil for...
read more[Translate] Joe Romm Dr. Joe Romm is Founding Editor of Climate Progress, ‘Fossil fuels have lost. The rest of the world just doesn’t...
read more[Translate] save the children Shutterstock A Center for Public Integrity investigation found that the industry is using its clout to...
read more[Translate] By Juan Cole / Informed Comment TRUTHDIG.COM Saudi Arabia has gotten too big for its britches, and the oil-producing...
read more[Translate] Early Friday afternoon, all eyes and ears from around the world seemed to focus on Washington D.C. for the inauguration...
read more[Translate] Environment The connections uncovered in a new analysis are dizzying in number and represent a conflict of interest in...
read more[Translate] TV Spot By Heather Smith GRIST In the months leading up the California primary, all eyes have been focused on the...
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