[Translate] Most people are starting to realize that they’ve been LIED to during this entire pandemic by our government...
read more[Translate] Most people are starting to realize that they’ve been LIED to during this entire pandemic by our government...
read moreBig Pharma spends a small fortune every year buying politicians to make sure we can’t import prescription drugs from Canada, but they’re more than happy to sell us contaminated medications from countries with weak manufacturing controls and exploitable labor that ensure high profit margins.
read moreSales of Merck’s measles vaccine, the MMR combo vaccine that also includes mumps and rubella, continues to soar as Merck reported this week that in the second quarter of 2019, sales for the measles vaccine were 58% higher than the year before, at $675 million.
read moreThe 21st century organized crime lords—the pharmaceutical industry—archetypal la cosa nostra mafia-like cartels, have risen to unprecedented dominion over humanity.
read moreThe National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986 freed pharmaceutical companies from liability for injuries resulting from childhood vaccines—“no matter how toxic the ingredients, how negligent the manufacturer or how grievous the harm.”
read moreGovernment Doctors Make Gross Errors Concerning Measles Statistics, Misinform Senators, Threaten Public Health
read moreThe powerful corporate and government forces that minimize the less powerful must be challenged, even in the face of overwhelming odds.
read moreThe Facts:Robert F. Kennedy Jr emphasizes how pharmaceutical companies have a large hand in how the American government creates healthcare policy and recommendations.
read moreWHO, Pharma, Gates & Government: Who’s Calling the Shots?
read more[Translate] By Ryan Cristián Guest writer for Wake Up World Everyone has the simple desire to find happiness within themselves — to...
read more[Translate] diegobarruffa / Emily by Kristin Houser Hard Science BIG MONEY, BIG PHARMA. Want to unlock the secrets hidden in your...
read more[Translate] Nwo Report Nwo News, End Time, World News and Conspiracy News US News, USA Author: Nwo Report 11 Comments Robert F....
read more[Translate] Image Inspectors checking vaccines at a disease control center in China’s autonomous region of Guangxi in...
read more[Translate] by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News In 2017, Health Impact News reported that the Informed Consent Action...
read more[Translate] 17 Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Two leading pediatricians in India have published a critique of...
read more[Translate] by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Gardasil vaccine manufacturer, Merck, announced earlier this month (June,...
read more[Translate] June 5th, 2018 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World The Bayer-Monsanto entity is now the largest...
read more[Translate] By Paul Krugman Image CreditcAudra Melton for The New York Times So Donald Trump broke another promise: he did not, after...
read more[Translate] The terror they inflict on Americans is very real. By Paul Buchheit / AlterNet Various definitions of terrorism have been...
read more[Translate] by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Pharmaceutical giant, Merck, is facing charges of fraud in lawsuits filed...
read more[Translate] Enough Already: Autism Needs to Be Declared a National Health Crisis by the World Mercury Project Team It is both...
read more[Translate] By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Drug Safety and Media Shaped by Big Pharma In this...
read more[Translate] Dana Varinsky BUSINESSINSIDER.COM Jim Young/Reuters Bayer, a German pharmaceutical and chemical company, has won...
read more[Translate] Monday, July 10, 2017 by: Isabelle Z. NATURAL NEWS.COM Tags: Big Pharma, Collusion, Dangerous Medicine,...
read more[Translate] Drugs Where’s the government oversight we need to stop this? By Kate Harveston / AlterNet Photo Credit: ASDF Media...
read more[Translate] g/2018/02/12/21567/opioid-makers-paid-millions-advocacy-groups-promoted-their-painkillers-amid”...
read more[Translate] With a record number of people turning to homeopathy, as well as the recent “war on opioids” in the news, the FDA decided...
read more[Translate] Comments by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News Readers of Health Impact News are all too familiar with news about...
read more[Translate] Health Digest Modern medicine has some good points, for sure, and is great in an emergency, but it’s time we learn that...
read more[Translate] Image Source. by Dr. Robert J. Rowen Facebook Page I thought you’d be interested in an article published in a Family...
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