Indigenous peoples go to court...
Historic lawsuit launched by the Waorani people of Ecuador to save their homes—and our planet – from destruction.
read moreHistoric lawsuit launched by the Waorani people of Ecuador to save their homes—and our planet – from destruction.
read more[Translate] by Simon Wood COUNTERPUNCH.ORG “Objective journalism is one of the main reasons that American politics has been allowed...
read more[Translate] Environment “We are reforesting and restoring the land so that our grandchildren and our children have a future.”...
read more[Translate] Nepal_Earthquake_2015_002 Image by Nirmal Dulal and courtesy...
read more[Translate] Crowds gathered after former Guatemalan dictator Efraín Ríos Montt was found guilty of crimes against humanity. (AP...
read more[Translate] The cultivation of palm oil is responsible for polluted rivers, vanishing forests and the displacement of communities. By...
read more[Translate] by Ryan KoronowskiCLIMATE PROGRESS Children plant a tree on Catequilla Hill in an area called “La Mitad del Mundo,” where...
read more[Translate] Socialist leader Rafael Correa concerned film will be based on a book he alleges covered up actions of oil giant...
read more[Translate] Environment The most challenging question is whether increasing extraction today can lay the foundation for decreasing...
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