Should Biden and Sanders steal...
Should Biden and Sanders steal Elizabeth Warren’s climate plans?
read moreShould Biden and Sanders steal Elizabeth Warren’s climate plans?
read moreAt the third Democratic primary debate last month, Senator Elizabeth Warren said that if she were elected president, she’d negotiate international trade deals “with environmentalists at the table.”
read moreThis 12-word bill could change how we use nuclear weapons.
read moreA 70 percent top rate polls well; Elizabeth Warren’s wealth tax polls even better.
read moreNobel Laureate Paul Krugman truly hates conservatives posing as centrists or even as serious economists and the clueless beltway reporters that prop them up.
read moreTaxing the superrich is an idea whose time has come — again.
read more[Translate] Accountable Capitalism Act would bring about ‘fundamental change’, redistribute wealth and give more power to workers...
read more[Translate] By Charles P. Pierce ESQUIRE.COM Tiger Beat On The Potomac has an interesting bit of stenograph…er…reporting about...
read more[Translate] Economy Warren sounds off on the president NBJLPHt’s plan to gut the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. By...
read more[Translate] Jeff Bryant CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE Are charter schools a “progressive” idea for education? Some progressive...
read more[Translate] NYTIMES By ELIZABETH WARREN Photo Credit Lucas Jackson/Reuters WASHINGTON — APPLE got a big surprise last week when the...
read more[Translate] Heading into the Democratic Convention, the senator from Massachusetts offers the best analysis of our failed...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 There’s a great reason for this to happen. By Robert Kuttner / Huffington Post VIA ALTERNET...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG “There’s more at stake today than in any story ever told,” said the actor who starred in the 1997 film...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 All hail Queen Liz. By Emily Shugerman / Revelist VIA ALTERNET Photo Credit: Tim Pierce, via...
read more[Translate] A new group, Take on Wall Street, has emerged to leverage populist fury into real Financial Reform Sean Illing SALON.COM...
read more[Translate] AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE Robert Borosage Hillary Clinton’s heated defense of the money she has raised from Wall Street...
read more[Translate] By Leslie Salzillo DAILY KOS RSS REBLOGGED BY Daily Kos Social In one of her most incredible speeches ever,...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 A striking challenge made at Netroots Nation on Friday. By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] by Walter Einenkel DAILY KOS You can’t buy class. A couple of days ago, JPMorgan Chase & Co CEO Jamie Dimon...
read more[Translate] AMERICANS FOR A SAFE FUTURE Sen. Elizabeth Warren has become the most visible leader of the growing populist movement...
read more[Translate] Robert Borosage CAMAIGN FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday released a blistering 13-page...
read more[Translate] Even the Draft Warren folks now accept it: Warren won’t run. But she may have a new job come 2017 anyway Luke...
read more[Translate] News & Politics “They represent the rich and the powerful who don’t want their taxes raised, who...
read more[Translate] Take a look at how the liberal superstar is changing the debate on trade if you want to see the party’s future...
read more[Translate] Labor There’s been a dismal record on enforcing labor standards. By Zaid Jilani / AlterNet Senator Elizabeth Warren...
read more[Translate] Dave Johnson CAMPAIGN FOR AMERICA’S FUTURE President Obama says progressives who warn that trade laws let...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and President Barack Obama earlier this year. (AP / Jacquelyn Martin) Sen....
read more[Translate] Elite interests holding all the cards but one, say proponents of grassroots uprising… And that card is ‘the...
read more[Translate] by Kira Lerner THINK PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is expected to announce today that he is...
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