Staggering quantities of food ...
Staggering quantities of food are being destroyed due to coronavirus
read moreAmericans continue to battle f...
A small survey by Bosch shows that U.S. homeowners feel guilty about wasting food, but need to change their habits.
read moreAre plant-based meats ethical ...
A writer argues that glitzy new plant-based technology distracts from the bigger issue of animal welfare.
read moreTainted Pork, Ill Consumers an...
Drug-resistant infections from food are growing. But powerful industry interests are blocking scientists and investigators from getting information they need to combat the problem.
read moreWhy we don’t know if plastics ...
Academics and regulators at odds over impact of chemical additives.
read moreCanadian grocer to allow reusa...
Starting next week, shoppers at Metro stores in Quebec can go zero waste more easily than ever.
read moreThanks to Scott Pruitt, 30 Mil...
[Translate] EWG News and Analysis By Alex Formuzis, Sr VP Communications and Strategic Campaigns and Sonya Lunder, Senior Analyst...
[Translate] Reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals by replacing some of the toxic foods lurking in your fridge. By Annie B. Bond /...
read moreCongress Will Put Public Healt...
[Translate] Food The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act jeopardizes critical food safety rules. By George Kimbrell / AlterNet...
read moreObama’s New So-Called GM...
[Translate] MARK KARLIN, EDITOR OF BUZZFLASH TRUTHOUT On July 29, President Obama signed a bill that is a setback for our...
read moreThe U.S. Has Approved Industri...
[Translate] If the U.S. public had known the extent of harms that industrial agriculture would cause, we would have never allowed it...
[Translate] Getty Images By Lydia Wheeler -THE HILL President Obama is preparing to unleash a wave of new regulations in 2016 as he...
[Translate] Shutterstock By Nathanael Johnson GRIST In this era of asymmetrical polarization it seems like laws can only pass in...
read moreHow the TPP Fulfills Big Ag...
[Translate] The deeply flawed agreement compromises food safety and public health — and opens the possibility for private...
read morePeople Are Dying from Contamin...
[Translate] A sweeping food safety reform bill was passed five years ago, but not a single new rule has yet been implemented — and...
read moreAs Chipotle Goes GMO-free, Mon...
[Translate] Environment Chipotle’s decision may compel other food brands to follow suit. By Jonathan Latham, PhD / The...
read moreObscure Government Document Sh...
[Translate] “This is not a trade agreement. It’s about intellectual property and dispute settlement.” By Zaid...
read moreIs the Government Harassing an...
[Translate] “The possibility that the USDA is prioritizing the interests of the chemical industry over those of the American...
read moreBUYERS BEWARE: The 12 most pes...
[Translate] If you’re going to buy organic, start with apples, peaches and nectarines Lindsay Abrams SALON.COM Buyers beware:...
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