Extinction Rebellion, Greenpea...
Extinction Rebellion, Greenpeace Campaign for a Breakup Between Big Tech and Big Oil
read moreExtinction Rebellion, Greenpeace Campaign for a Breakup Between Big Tech and Big Oil
read moreTrump’s Google coronavirus website lie may be the ultimate in simply making stuff up
read moreIt is nearly impossible to live in today’s world without having come across mention of the legendary Noam Chomsky.
read moreRoger McNamee made a fortune as one of Silicon Valley’s earliest champions. Now he’s one of its most fervent critics.
read moreGoogle, whose unofficial company motto was once “Don’t be evil,” counts major deniers of the climate crisis among the groups “that receive the most substantial contributions” from the tech giant’s U.S. Government Affairs and Public Policy team.
read moreOne of the top natural health/health awareness websites in the world, Mercola.com, has been censored by Google as well as other social media platforms for simply sharing information.
read moreThe conference was backed by a group founded to spread the “good news” about carbon emissions.
read moreThousands of employees are protesting how the company has dealt with sexual harassment—the latest example of tech workers embracing activism.
read moreReports say Google found credible allegations that Andy Rubin forced employee to perform oral sex – but paid him millions even after he left
read moreFacebook, Twitter and Google have no option but to clean up their act…
read more[Translate] Pulitzer Prize winner and Truthdig columnist Chris Hedges. (Cheryl Biren / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) On Monday, WSWS International...
read more[Translate] Nicholas Kristof NYTIMES Photo Inspectors looking in 2014 for evidence of human trafficking at a sweat shop in San...
read more[Translate] By Jessica Stewart MYMODERNMET.COM Which Export Makes the Most Money for Each Country. Image via reddit We love a good...
read more[Translate] Drugs U.S. government is erasing the few regulatory firewalls that have existed and tolerating alarming conflicts...
read more[Translate] Heading into the Democratic Convention, the senator from Massachusetts offers the best analysis of our failed...
read more[Translate] With California thought to have only one year of water left, Silicon Valley data centres are trying to reduce their needs...
read more[Translate] Election 2016 ALEC’s anti-democratic, unaccountable, privatized agenda. By Jessica Mason / Center for Media...
read more[Translate] Google let them google that for you HEATHER SMITH, GRIST Did you know that the computer users of New Delhi, Mexico City,...
read more[Translate] By Roisin Davis TRUTHDIG The Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol, site of this year’s Bilderberg meeting. (Alpine Luftbild...
read more[Translate] Sergey Brin, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos (Credit: Reuters/Carlo Allegri/Beck Diefenbach/AP/Matt...
read more[Translate] Here’s how Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft stack up. —By Ben Adler VIA MOTHER JONES 1 Leo Copello/iStock...
read more[Translate] Google By Heather Smith GRIST The next Google headquarters — or Googleplex, as the company calls it — will be a...
read more[Translate] by Ryan Koronowski CLIMATE PROGRESS Solar City employees install a solar panel on a home in south Denver. CREDIT: AP...
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