Honolulu Sues Petroleum Compan...
Honolulu Sues Petroleum Companies For Climate Change Damages to City
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read moreOnce, snails decorated the forests of Hawaii like Christmas ornaments. There were more than 750 unique species, which descended from ancestral mollusks that arrived on the islands millions of years ago. Hawaii’s snails were exemplars of evolution’s generative prowess.
read more[Translate] Written by Dr Michael Salla expolitics.org The surge in volcanic activity in the lower Puna region of the Big Island of...
read more[Translate] Video A family man, businessman and community pillar removed from Hawaii. By Steven Rosenfeld / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] GRIST Briefly Stuff that matters the motion of the ocean Shutterst Less than a mile off the shores of Hawaii, two buoys...
read more[Translate] Maddie Stone Hurricane Madeline (left) and Lester (right) churning toward Hawaii on Monday. Image: NASA via Weather...
read more[Translate] By Diana Tarrazo EARTHJUSTICE.ORG David Brosch stands in front of a 22 kilowatt solar electric array atop the roof of the...
read more[Translate] Chris D’Angelo Associate Editor, HuffPost Hawaii There’s a strange quiet on the small, remote Hawaiian island...
read more[Translate] By CATHY BUSSEWITZ ASSOCIATED PRESS 2 photos Crews work on an awning at the city’s latest homeless shelter on...
read more[Translate] By Clayton Aldern The ocean is often considered to be the final frontier for energy, whether we’re talking...
read more[Translate] Are GM crops connected to birth defects and illnesses? By Christopher Pala / The Guardian VIA ALTERNET Photograph:...
read more[Translate] New research suggests climate change has left the Pacific islands more susceptible to tropical storms Andrea Thompson,...
read more[Translate] Because nature is crazy. Chloe Fox Editor, HuffPost Hawaii July snowstorms are weird enough. July snowstorms in...
read more[Translate] Solar power Veteran pilot tested to the limit of endurance on record-breaking solar-powered flight across the Pacific, on...
read more[Translate] A jury awarded 15 people $500,000 in damages in the latest victory against GE seed corporations in Hawaii. By Paul Towers...
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