Jailing the Poor for Fines and...
[Translate] By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview (Photo: Neirfy / Shutterstock) Far too many people are considered guilty of being...
read more[Translate] By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview (Photo: Neirfy / Shutterstock) Far too many people are considered guilty of being...
read more[Translate] What the attorney general’s new charging policy means Embed Share Play Video3:30 Former attorney general Eric...
read more[Translate] Aviva Shen THINK PROGRESS New Orleans-based journalist, focusing on criminal justice. yesterday The sheriff wants to...
read more[Translate] US prisons THE GUARDIAN Study of 1.5 million prisoners finds that drug treatment, community service, probation or fines...
read more[Translate] PRISON BOON “QUARTZ” Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. (AP Photo/J. David Ake, File) Written by Hanna...
read more[Translate] Post-9/11, the threat of terrorism has justified detention, incarceration and mass surveillance Azadeh Shahshahani and...
read more[Translate] By Glen Ford / Black Agenda Report TRUTHDIG Exile on Ontario St. / CC BY-SA 2.0 Black activists confronted police terror...
read more[Translate] Why there’s no chance in hell I’m voting for Hillary — and you shouldn’t either H. A. Goodman ...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG By Henry A. Giroux, CounterPunch Malcolm Gladwell. (Surian Soosay / CC BY 2.0) This piece first...
read more[Translate] by The Dirt Contributor “I was in the cafeteria of the Men’s Maximum Security Facility in Cranston, Rhode Island, to...
read more[Translate] Economy New report details perverse policies that are driving more people into hopeless, inescapable poverty. By Terrell...
read more[Translate] The proposal will both save money and lead to a more effective justice system, the country’s government says...
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