How California Will Prepare It...
How California Will Prepare Its Infrastructure for More Climate Catastrophes
read moreHow California Will Prepare Its Infrastructure for More Climate Catastrophes
read moreHow Clean Energy is Part of Economic Recovery after Pandemic
read more“If we continue on this trajectory, ecosystems will be unable to provide natural insurance in the face of climate change-induced impacts on food, water, and infrastructure.”
read moreFlooding is a perennial danger for people living along Great Plains watersheds. But this spring the challenge has been epic in scale, calling forth individual resilience and the bonds of community.
read more91 projects across the country will receive support for road, rail, transit, and port infrastructure projects.
read moreLife after warming, you now have permission to freak out.
read more[Translate] by Mike Gaworecki According to a recent report, mining companies currently have claims on 11 percent...
read more[Translate] Jul 2018 | 5g, Health, Infrastructure, Injustice, Wireless OVERVIEW The Federal government is once again trying to take...
read more[Translate] National Resources Defense Council Federal dollars aren’t being leveraged to weather incoming storms. This story...
read more[Translate] Social impact By Katherine Flynn Members in border states weigh in on what a wall could mean The proposed $25 billion...
read more[Translate] Environment By midcentury, there could be enough roads worldwide to encircle Earth 600 times, opening up a...
read more[Translate] Nov 29 2017 Communities of all sizes—cities, suburbs, and rural areas—can suffer from transportation “deserts”—places...
read more[Translate] ONE MAN’S TRASH By LinYee Yuan QUARTZ.QZ.COM November 18, 2017 The most highly anticipated 2018 opening in...
read more[Translate] Environment Several experts on climate and resilience talk about the role of government. “Viewed correctly, sensible...
read more[Translate] Paul Krugman NYTIMES Photo The highways in Houston were empty last Tuesday after the city was inundated with...
read more[Translate] August 31, 2017 Rhea Suh As we lend our immediate support to Gulf Coast communities, we must also protect...
read more[Translate] Economy Don’t leave our critical roads and bridges in the hands of giant corporations. By Roxana Tynan / The...
read more[Translate] © Getty Images President Trump is set to repeal an Obama-era order requiring tougher new building standards for...
read more[Translate] WOLFFORTH, Texas – As many as 63 million people – nearly a fifth of the country – from rural central California to...
read more[Translate] eCAMION, Toronto, Canada, energy storage, energy storage system, pole-mounted, pole-mounted energy storage system,...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG By Chris Hedges The sun sets at Juliette, Ga., behind the coal-fired facility known as Plant Scherer,...
read more[Translate] Malware ‘Industroyer’ virus could bring down power networks, researchers warn Discovery of new malware shows...
read more[Translate] By Jason Easley As the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has released a report...
read more[Translate] The Dirt Contributor LiDAR-generated hillshade showing terracing, household remains and field boundaries in present-day...
read moreCoastal communities are enduring growing flood risks from rising seas, with places like Atlantic City, sandwiched between a bay and the ocean, facing some of the greatest threats.
read more[Translate] Grist / Amelia Bates Pipe Dreams By Nathanael Johnson and Matt GRIST.ORG Infrastructure! We’ve really got your attention...
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