Why I Confronted Trump’s Archi...
Last week I exposed the architect of the U.S.’s deadly ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions policy, Sigal Mandelker, in front of the United Against a Nuclear Iran conference in New York City.
read moreLast week I exposed the architect of the U.S.’s deadly ‘maximum pressure’ sanctions policy, Sigal Mandelker, in front of the United Against a Nuclear Iran conference in New York City.
read moreWhether in Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea or one of the 20 countries under the boot of U.S. sanctions, the Trump administration is using its economic weight to try to exact regime change or major policy changes in countries around the globe
read moreIs America headed for a war involving Iran? Actually, we’re already mired in one: the unconscionable war in Yemen.
read moreAs President Trump prepared to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal last spring…
read moreWhile “actual” Iranians face social media bans, countless bots…
read more[Translate] It is a busy week for us at CODEPINK. This morning we were in the halls of Congress calling for the abolition of ICE....
read more[Translate] Congresswoman Pelosi is doing nothing to stop Donald Trump and his bombastic National Security Advisor John Bolton from...
read more[Translate] An ex-CIA analyst has raised suspicions about the CIA’s release of bin Laden documents and apparent collaboration with...
read more[Translate] Grayzone Project Chomsky and Emran Feroz talk Obama’s political legacy in the Middle East, the deal with Iran and...
read more[Translate] By Patrick Cockburn / TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG dynamosquito / CC BY-SA 2.0 This piece first appeared at...
read more[Translate] Truthfulness isn’t ever their goal; winning and keeping power is. By Eric Zuesse / AlterNet Photo Credit:...
read more[Translate] By THE EDITORIAL BOARD – NYTIMES Aside from the barbarism and injustice of Saudi Arabia’s execution...
read more[Translate] W made matters worse, but the region’s radicalization can all be traced to our steady support of the Shah of Shahs...
read more[Translate] How Henry Kissinger Helped Create Our “Proliferated” World By Greg Grandin, TomDispatch | VIA TRUTHOUT The...
read more[Translate] Former vice president Dick Cheney. (Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA) By Dana Milbank THE GUARDIAN Early signs indicate Dick Cheney is...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG President Obama and King Salman meet in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in January. (Carolyn Kaster / AP) WASHINGTON —...
read more[Translate] By Jonathan Broder / NEWSWEEK Security personnel stand guard as President Barack Obama addresses an American Israel...
read more[Translate] There’s a sure way to maintain a nuclear free middle east, but Washington is not interested. By Noam Chomsky THE...
read more[Translate] By Michael T. Klare, TomDispatch VIA TRUTHDIG olle svensson / (CC BY 2.0) This piece first appeared at...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Chomsky challenges all the big assumptions and myths around this deal. Al Jazeera America via...
read more[Translate] SALON.COM When we go to war with ISIS, Congress does not declare it. When we try to make peace with Iran, Congress...
read more[Translate] by Igor Volsky & Victoria Fleischer THINK PROGRESS The 109-page Iran deal is filled with complicated details about...
read more[Translate] Tehran has long been signaling that it wants normalised relations with Washington, but still doesn’t know if it can trust...
read more[Translate] By Juan Cole TRUTHDIG Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (AP / Ilia Yefimovich) This post originally...
read more[Translate] Assessing the impact of the accord in three charts Graham Allison THE ATLANTIC Caren Firouz/ReutersTo assess the impact...
read more[Translate] By Juan Cole TRUTHDIG Iran’s flag waves above Tehran’s skyline. (Shutterstock) This post originally ran on...
read more[Translate] President calls several top lawmakers to insist deal is good for America Congress demands say over the fine print of the...
read more[Translate] By Bill Boyarsky TRUTHDIG Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, online center, reaches to shake hands with House...
read more[Translate] By Gareth Porter LA PROGRESSIVE The real story is how enforcers of Likudist policy on Iran used a young Republican...
read more[Translate] Economy Israel’s prime minister is trying the hide a big problem. By Janet Allon / AlterNet Photo Credit: via...
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