[Translate] by Marcella VAXTRUTH.ORG Written by Marcella Piper-Terry, M.S., Founder of I admit to being a lazy...
read more[Translate] by Marcella VAXTRUTH.ORG Written by Marcella Piper-Terry, M.S., Founder of I admit to being a lazy...
read more[Translate] By Medea Benjamin TRUTHDOG Saudi women are forced to keep their faces and bodies covered outside the home....
read more[Translate] By PATRICK KINGSLEY NYTIMES In Kurdish areas of Turkey, fear and destruction have returned as facts of life after...
read more[Translate] Nicholas Kristof NYTIMES Photo Saudi Shiite women at a protest in January after the execution of a prominent Shiite...
read more[Translate] TRUTHDIG / Common Dreams Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock From her call for a major air and ground war against ISIS to her...
read more[Translate] by Jack Jenkins CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: Shutterstock Prominent Muslim leaders are putting the final touches on a new...
read more[Translate] By Eugene Robinson TRUTHDIG Security forces defending their headquarters against attacks by Islamic State...
read more[Translate] Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains why Western liberals need to speak up — and why Islam needs a reformation now Ayaan Hirsi...
read more[Translate] By Bill Boyarsky TRUTHDIG Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, online center, reaches to shake hands with House...
read more[Translate] by Jack Jenkins CLIMATE PROGRESS Breakaway group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), left, next to a burning...
read more[Translate] Chris Hedges Posted on Jan 11, thumb 2015 By Chris Hedges Broken pens were placed in a pool of simulated blood Friday...
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