Jul 3, 2016 by

[Translate] The linguistic fetishization of hardship is one more way we appropriate from — and erase — people like my family Brook...

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Jul 1, 2015 by

[Translate] California just outlawed personal exemptions for vaccines. Cue the “Vetoed Parenthood” backlash Mary...

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Esther the Wonder Pig is wondr...

May 4, 2015 by

[Translate] SALON.COM During 10 years as a pig farmer I came to know pigs as well as I know my own dog. That’s why I quit Bob...

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Secrets of the Scientologists:...

Apr 19, 2015 by

[Translate] Tom Cruise, in a still from “Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief” (Credit: HBO) “Going...

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West Virginia’s sneaky climate...

Jan 6, 2015 by

[Translate] Last-minute changes to the state’s climate change education requirements fly in the face of science Lindsay Abrams...

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