In This Amazing City People Li...
[Translate] by GOSTICA · Upon learning this, you will think that happened long ago, but no. There is still a place to live, and not...
read more[Translate] by GOSTICA · Upon learning this, you will think that happened long ago, but no. There is still a place to live, and not...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Architecture 2 Comments Housing Print This Post Pulling data from the US Census,...
read more[Translate] A pioneer of what he called “radical-humanistic psychoanalysis,” the great German social psychologist and philosopher...
read more[Translate] by Lidija Grozdanic INHABITAT Clive Wilkinson, who design the original Googleplex, came up with a quirky design that...
read more[Translate] THE DIRT by Jared Green Steven Nygren is the founder of Serenbe, which has won numerous awards, including the Urban...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Architecture There’s an ideal we promote on this site about the perfect edited life....
read more[Translate] LIFE EDITEDDAVID FRIEDLANDER Many people think about stopping their workaday lives, downsizing and lightening their...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Architecture One of the bigger charges against tiny living is the lack of variance in...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Behavior Few words sum up the current pace of modern life like the word “fast.” From...
read more[Translate] Chris Blakeley By Katie Herzog GRIST CityLab recently reported that Grist’s hometown Seattle was named America’s...
read more[Translate] By Ben Adler GRIST Over at FiveThirtyEight, Ben Casselman argues that the supposed millennial affection for cities is a...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander Architecture A couple decades ago, snowboarder Mike Basich did what few are able to: he went pro,...
read more[Translate] INHABITAT The 100-square-foot floating pod-shaped home measures 12 meters in diameter and 4 meters tall. The...
read more[Translate] David Friedlander LIFE EDITED Behavior Several years ago I sublet an apartment deep in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. The...
read more[Translate] Environment We are the first people on earth who have no practical need of our neighbors. That has to change. By Bill...
read more[Translate] The Eco Experts By Heather Smith GRIST You know how humans like to come up with lists of things? Like: “The best...
read more[Translate] If you do have a few million lying around, a piece of these fortified silos can be yours. By Natalie Shure / AlterNet...
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