[Translate] J.B. Handley, Jr. HEALTHCAREINAMERICA.US co-founder, Generation Rescue 3 days ago (Author’s note: this article was...
read more[Translate] J.B. Handley, Jr. HEALTHCAREINAMERICA.US co-founder, Generation Rescue 3 days ago (Author’s note: this article was...
read more[Translate] Dear NVIC Advocacy Team Members, We are only about one week into legislative sessions across the country and so much is...
read more[Translate] BY J.B. HANDLEY January 17, 2017 Dr. Eve Switzer, an Oklahoma Pediatrician, and President of the Oklahoma AAP is...
read more[Translate] Take Action! Senate passed HR34, 21st Century Cures Act The US Senate voted yesterday to pass HR34, the 21st Century...
read more[Translate] More Info Paul Offit says it all Yesterday hundreds of people gathered on a bitterly cold, windswept First Avenue in...
read more[Translate] by Autism Action Network Florida Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (D-24) has introduced a bill, House Resolution H.R....
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