Are Fossil Fuel Companies Dest...
New research links carbon emissions from the major oil and gas producers to dangerous changes in the oceans’ chemistry
read moreNew research links carbon emissions from the major oil and gas producers to dangerous changes in the oceans’ chemistry
read more[Translate] The Dodo In the Wild “They’re basically using the whales themselves to go out and kill more whales. It’s shocking.” By...
read more[Translate] News & Politics Big Oil’s Congressional servants are willing to completely wipe out the East Coast’s most...
read more[Translate] Environment Twenty countries have committed to increasing the protection of marine biodiversity. By Dr. David...
read more[Translate] Sponsored by Revcontent Since the devastating nuclear power plant meltdown at Fukushima, we have had to learn a lot about...
read more[Translate] HUFFINGTON POST GREEN Calling the killing research ducks moratorium on commercial hunts, rights groups say. By Mary...
read more[Translate] The Trans-Mountain project would almost triple the amount of tar sands oil flowing to a port near Vancouver, British...
read more[Translate] By Dahr Jamail, Truthout | Report US Navy forces engage in maneuver training in the Philippine Sea, November 28, 2013....
read more[Translate] The U.S. announced new rules to protect whales and dolphins in international waters, but not in California Reynard Loki,...
read more[Translate] Environment Much of the plastic we produce ends up in the ocean, where it kills fish, sea turtles and marine mammals. By...
read more[Translate] by Samantha Page THINK PROGRESS CREDIT: Oceana Nearly the entire breeding areas for loggerhead turtles (purple, left) and...
read more[Translate] by Alejandro Davila Fragoso CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo /David Guttenfelder Japan’s fleet known for capturing...
read more[Translate] By Dahr Jamail, Truthout | Report (Photo: Plastic Bag via Shutterstock; Edited: LW / TO) Humans generate more than 300...
read more[Translate] by Katie Valentine CLIMATE PROGRESS CREDIT: AP Photo/Phelan M. Ebenhack, File SeaWorld will soon be minus some...
read more[Translate] NYTDOTAndrew C. Revkin Photo Two scenes from a virtual-reality “ride” that takes viewers into the realm of whales,...
read more[Translate] Orcas and Their Sixth Sense: The Deeper Ramifications of Cetaceans’ Echolocation Abilities Since they are a smaller...
read more[Translate] Chris Johnson – earthOCEAN Doing It On Porpoise By Ana Sofia Knauf GRIST Heads up, animal lovers: This is going to...
read more[Translate] Environment As the Navy unleashes 6,000 personnel for training exercises, local communities protest impacts on wildlife...
read more[Translate] National Marine Fisheries Service say military exercise “may result in damage that could take years to decades from which...
read more[Translate] U.S. Navy By Dahr Jamail VIA GRIST This essay is a joint TomDispatch/Truthout report. I lived in Anchorage for 10 years...
read more[Translate] Environment Four-mile-long oil slick fouls some of the state’s most beautiful coastline at Refugio State Beach. By...
read more[Translate] The region where Shell plans to sink wells is home to polar bears, walruses, seals, and other wildlife. beluga whales...
read more[Translate] Ocean Defenders Alliance is on a mission to stop abandoned “ghost nets” from killing dolphins, sea turtles,...
read more[Translate] 140 Whales Die After Getting Stranded On New Zealand Beach | By By NICK PERRY WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — About 140...
read more[Translate] Pacific sardines are suffering their worst population crash in decades, buy cialis and the fallout could be catastrophic...
read more[Translate] Environment Photo A dead whale in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in 2011. As container ships multiply, more whales are...
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