Vaccine Mandates for Everyone,...
In the United States, those who are vaccine risk-aware have much to be concerned about right now.
read moreIn the United States, those who are vaccine risk-aware have much to be concerned about right now.
read moreSales of Merck’s measles vaccine, the MMR combo vaccine that also includes mumps and rubella, continues to soar as Merck reported this week that in the second quarter of 2019, sales for the measles vaccine were 58% higher than the year before, at $675 million.
read moreAs the measles debate wears on, we’re hearing a lot about the “spread of misinformation” in relationship to vaccines.
read moreGovernment Doctors Make Gross Errors Concerning Measles Statistics, Misinform Senators, Threaten Public Health
read moreMeasles is in the news again. The humble microbe has many faces: scourge of the New World, benign and ubiquitous rite of childhood passage, simultaneous conduit of modern scientific achievement and vexing icon of evasive, unrealized dreams; and most recently, contemporary Rorschach test in the latest American culture war.
read more[Translate] By Barbara Loe Fisher To activate and view hyperlinked references, please click here once and then click any...
read more[Translate] Minnesota is currently experiencing an outbreak of measles. Most of the cases are in the Somali community. In...
read more[Translate] Next Story Anna Rodgers COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION.COM What happened when a UK doctor appeared as an expert witness to help...
read more[Translate] Health News The following open letter by a PhD Immunologist completely demolishes the current California legislative...
read more[Translate] ⏐ PUBLIC HEALTH THEN AND NOW | American Journal of Public Health Hendriks and Blume | Peer Reviewed | Jan Hendriks, MSc,...
read more[Translate] VACCINE IMPACT Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D. – YouTube Health Impact News Editor Comments Dr. Suzanne Humphries is a...
read more[Translate] By Dr. Mercola Your right to vaccine exemptions is under attack in many states, from Texas to California, with lawmakers...
read more[Translate] Visit the Mercola Video Library By Barbara Loe Fisher I remember the day in 2007, when I was standing in front of a...
read more[Translate] CDC Wants to Expand Power to Eliminate Measles What You Need To Know and Do Now By Barbara Loe Fisher I remember the...
read more[Translate] Asia-Pacific Research Global Research Vaccine McCarthyism. What if the Vaccine Paradigm itself is Deliberately Flawed?...
read more[Translate] Personal Health The common canard that U.S. autism rates rose after drug makers removed most thimerosal from pediatric...
read more[Translate] by Casey Coates Danson The following article is a must to read. The public and mothers especially, seek have no idea...
read more[Translate] History by Katie Rose Quandt BILL MOYERS.COM Since the end of December, advice 114 people from seven states have been...
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