[Translate] Mustafa Akyol NYTIMES Photo Credit Josh Berer ISTANBUL — Billions of Christians around the world are excited to celebrate...
read more[Translate] Mustafa Akyol NYTIMES Photo Credit Josh Berer ISTANBUL — Billions of Christians around the world are excited to celebrate...
read more[Translate] Matt Agorist THEFREETHOUGHTPROJECT.COM In one of the largest organized marches in the history of the world, tens...
read more[Translate] REUTERS/Stephanie Keith Greening faith By Sabrina Imbler GRIST On Nov. 8, Nana Firman woke up to the third day of U.N....
read more[Translate] Media MOYERS & COMPANY In Trump’s world, everything’s a conspiracy and reality’s turned upside...
read more[Translate] Democracies end when they are too democratic. And right now, America is a breeding ground for tyranny....
read more[Translate] As many as 500 migrants died just last week, yet the world’s powers pretend this calamity still isn’t their...
read more[Translate] The Opinion Pages | Op-Ed Columnist Nicholas Kristof NY TIMES Photo Jano Begum Credit Nicholas Kristof/The New York...
read more[Translate] RSS It’s still all Trump, all the time. Now that Donald Trump is at the top of his publicity game, his wild...
read more[Translate] The linguist and philosopher on the warped coverage of Putin’s Russia and the ways we whitewash our war crimes Noam...
read more[Translate] by Kira Lerner THINK PROGRESS National Rifle Association members hold hands during the opening prayer at the annual...
read more[Translate] “That’s insulting,” replies Maher in heated “Real Time” debate about Muslims, Islam and...
read more[Translate] Ayaan Hirsi Ali explains why Western liberals need to speak up — and why Islam needs a reformation now Ayaan Hirsi...
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