Forensic Evidence of Violence ...
[Translate] PHR E-News A team of Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) doctors has forensically documented the beatings, gunshot...
read moreIs This Genocide?
[Translate] Dilbar Begum and her daughter Noor Kalima, 10, are the only survivors of a family of six. Noor’s scars were left by the...
read moreRefugee Crisis in India for Mu...
[Translate] It’s not looking good for 40,000 Rohingya refugees. By Teesta Setalvad / AlterNet Indian Prime Minister Narendra...
read moreMyanmar: Whole villages destro...
[Translate] asia GRAPHIC details are filtering through of violent massacres in towns that have been cut off from the modern day...
read moreAs Violence Intensifies, Israe...
[Translate] Responding to a petition filed by human rights activists, Defense Ministry says matter is ‘clearly...
read moreThe Guardian view on the slaug...
[Translate] Editorial THEGUARDIAN.COM The brutal, bloody, and ultimately pointless mistreatment of a Muslim minority shames Aung...
[Translate] By Ashraful Azad, openDemocracy | Op-Ed At this moment, a genocide is happening in Myanmar of which most of the world...
read moreIN MYANMAR, A WIFE’S WRE...
[Translate] The Opinion Pages | Op-Ed Columnist Nicholas Kristof NY TIMES Photo Jano Begum Credit Nicholas Kristof/The New York...
[Translate] Nicholas Kristof NYTIMES SITTWE, Myanmar — SOON the world will witness a remarkable sight: a beloved Nobel Peace...
read moreEx-White House Staffer Who Inv...
[Translate] World Myanmar has hired a lobbying team to make its case to the U.S. government and media outlets. By Zaid Jilani /...
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