‘Going in the Wrong Direction’...
‘Going in the Wrong Direction’: More Tropical Forest Loss in 2019
read more‘Going in the Wrong Direction’: More Tropical Forest Loss in 2019
read moreAnother heavy fire season in Indonesia has taken a toll on the country’s remaining forest. In Sembilang National Park, on the island of Sumatra, fires raged into primary forest that provides vital habitat for critically endangered Sumatran tigers and elephants.
read moreTAPUWATU, Indonesia — Muhammad Arfa says he thinks a miracle saved his home.
read moreIn 2014, the world’s largest agribusiness, Cargill, announced it would stop buying palm oil, rubber, and other commodities from farmers who cut down forests to grow their crops.
read morePalm oil is the most widely consumed vegetable oil on the planet.
read moreConsumer demand for meat, soy, palm oil, and more has resulted in 60% of primate species facing extinction.
read moreWe eat it, clean our homes and bodies with it and even fuel our cars with it. But our insatiable demand for palm oil is wreaking havoc on the planet — and our climate.
read more[Translate] Many have criticized Indonesia‘s largely unsustainable palm oil industry for several reasons, including deforestation....
read more[Translate] The move over palm oil sends a powerful message to investors: unethical companies pose too great a risk. By Reynard Loki...
read more[Translate] The world’s largest coffeehouse company needs to wake up and smell the coffee. By Elliot Negin / The Huffington...
read more[Translate] An eye-popping amount of greenhouse gas issues from the thousands of blazes in the Southeast Asian country. Smoke rises...
read more[Translate] The cultivation of palm oil is responsible for polluted rivers, vanishing forests and the displacement of communities. By...
read more[Translate] By David Edwards, The Conversation | News Analysis Much of the Earth was once cloaked in vast forests, from the...
read more[Translate] BY CASEY COATES DANSON Palm Oil is the leading driver of tropical deforestation affecting indigenous people in Indonesia,...
read more[Translate] Shutterstock By Nathanael Johnson GRIST A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about a patch of Indonesian rainforest that was...
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